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We come out from the  theatres..

A; now where we go?

M; shall we go  shopping ?

A; y not let's go..

we went  to the  shopping mall..

A; what u want?

M;  i want buy a   shirt

A; oh k..

we enter that shirt shop..i   choose some  shirt..

A; hmm intha shirts yaruku?

M; u and my bro ku.

A; oh k..  i want these  color he choose  black and red

M;  hmm k try it. i give  2 shirt to him

he went the trial room..

A; hey its perfect. he yilled from the trial room

M; show me

A; oh k wait ..i  come there

He come out  from the room ..i   admire his HANDSOME he wear the BLACK color shirt

i  look him..i can't get off my eye from him....he wave his hand in  front of my face..

A; oiii...what happen? y u look me like this?

M;  nothing..

A;don't lie..u admire my  handsome right?

M; yeah yeah... hahah.. go and change the dress

A; yes darling... he  went and change the dress..

i pay the bill and take  the covers in my hand.

A; hey ..wait here i will back in  few minutes

M; oh k.

He  went to the upstairs....after the few minutes he  come where i am stand.

Then we went to our home...

in my home all of the family members felt in sleep....home filled with silent..

A; hahah..all of thems are in sleep ya.

M; yeah.. its also late

A;  hmm ya.i want food..i am so hungry

M; wait ..i went to the dinning table and open all box but no food in its.

M; hahah no food ani.

A; what???  he  shouted loudly ..

i run and close his mouth with my palm..i stand very close to him

M; shhhh...y u  shout  loudly?

He look my eyes ..we  see each other eyes for few minutes..then i look some where

M; Come on ..i pull his hand and went out again.

A; where u take me?

M;hotel.  come on seat inside ..i  sit in the driver seat and he seat  beside me...i start the car..

we reach the hotel and after finish our dinner.

while return the Rani start...i stop the car one side of the road... i  play  with rain drops.

A; hey y u stop the car here?

M; see its awesome  moment..i love rain

A; yeah me too...

suddenly he open the door and  went outside  he come another side and open my  side door...he pull my hand..

M; hey..its rain

A; yeah just enjoy it.

He hold my hand tight and start walk in the rain... its really awesome ..

he see both side of the road...he conform it is empty...then he hug me and kiss me..

i pull him back..

A; its empty road ya.

M; yeah.. shall we dance? i show my hand to him

A; wow... me ready

He pick my hand we both dance in the RAIN FOR FEW SECONDS....


To be continue...

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