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I totally confused y he laugh???...after the some time he come inside the his hand food and water...

A; hey let's go eat ya.

M; hmm first say ans to my question?

A; what?

M; y u laugh before?

He come and seat besides me..he put the plate in table

A; oh, treatment ah???

M; yeah.

A; u for get it...he kiss my checks  and say this is the treatment if u want best??? ask with smile

M; mm no no...

A; okay..come on  he took the plate and start to feed me... while he do it..he get the call so he took his phone and attended it

A; hlo,

Ar; hii da

A; oh ..its u..tell me what u want da?

Ar; hey u forget it, today we arrange the meeting with........... him

A; yeah, but now i am busy

Ar; busy ah?

A; yeah, its continue to one week.

Ar; okay...

he end the call......i hear all of their conversion, i know y he say like this...its all for me....

My p o v...

he take so much care of me like my mother ...i am happy for it but i  do not want to spoiil his carrier and  i  do not want to give any stress to him ..

i remember that my bro invite me to thanjavur...i decided to go my home town..

i took my phone and send the message to my bro..

Hey bro ! i hope ur work will be finish tomorrow ,  i want come along with u to thanjavur so come and pick up me when u leave from here...

He replay to me YES !!!

First i want get the permission from him...while eating

M; Ani

A; yeah.

M; i want ur permission

A; what permission

M; for went my home

A; when we go there?

M; not u ..only me going there

A; oh, k when u come back

M; when my pain are relif ..i mean my hand back to normal

A; hmm that's mean u wanna  live with out me

He wash his hand and  look outwards.

M; not like that.. before i finish it he cut off me

A; who drop u?

M; my bro come and pick up me

A; well plan huh?..its k go..

M; i care  his checks  and turn towards to me....plz ani

A; k... i pack ur things .

M; tnx ani

i  try to stand..

A; y u do it again

M; its impossible to sit like this

A; oh..what u want to do?

M; go to downstairs

A; mm.. give ur hand...

He pick my hand and

A; put ur leg on my leg

M; mm k

i slowly put my leg on to his leg....he put his one hand in my  waist and make me very close to him...i feel his breathing on my  checks...its give some feelings to me.

i put my hand on his neck...he slowly rise his hand from my waist....we face each other face ...he slowly move his leg...we both walk in same steps...

A;  can i carry u there  ( he point the bed)

i did not see his face simply hug him.....

Hope u understand what happen next...hahahah. ;)

To be continue....

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