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I  went to my home... i told to my mom please stop the marriage..i won't married him..they are very shock...

Mom; y r u say like this? what happen?

M; don't ask anything... explain later..please leave me alone... i went to my room and close the door...started to crying...its really  give the big pain to me...finally i realize its my decision ..i am the one who say it  leave your life so y i crying... be a brave girl. i said to myself.

JASMINE... my  mom yilled my name.. i went to the downstairs ..

M; what mom y u call me ?? i already told u leave me alone.

Mom; see  whose here?

M; who?

A; its me ..ANIRUDH. i was shock ..

A;aunty i want to speak with her if u don't mine shall we go outing.

Mom; y not sure ani.

A; come with me... before i say he pick my hand and go fastly..i  run behind to him..

we seat down the car and he  drive it... we reach that park. we went inside the park..

i seat in the bench he stand in front of me..

A; what r u thinking ur self?

M; i  do not say anything ..i  never see  his face.

A; i ask to u.. tell the answer.

i keep my silent ..he ask so many times but i do not give  response to him... the walking people see us differently.. he get more angry he simply seat besides me...he see one side i see opposite side.

Time pass so this time  park is empty. i stand up from that bench and start to walk... i hear the different sound.. i turn and see what is that sound..its coming from anirudh..the blood  overflow from his hand..i was shock and shouted A........N..........I.....R..........U......D.........H.

I fastly run towards to him..i took my kerchief and cover the cutting place.. tears overflow in cheeks .. y u do it?? r u mad ? u idiot i scold him and say come on go to the hospital.

A; no i can't .. he pull his hand from me.

M;  while crying..please ani come with me  '

A; don't try to come close to me.

M; i pull his hand and went to near the car.

A; hahah..u do not know the car drive then how did u take me in hospital.

M; how did u smile like this time. iI WILL DO ANYTHING FOR U..i do it.

i open the car door and start to driving...stop the car near the hospital. went inside.

M; doctor please do anything he cut his hand.

A; no doctor...if u do it she leave me

Doct; what ?? but u get  blood loss

A; its nothing to me but if she leaving i kill to myself.

Doc; what did u say? he ask to me.

i see ani face and said to him.

M; I CAN'T LEAVE U.  please take the medicine.

A; r u sure?? before i say the answer he felt down.

M; i catch him.. but i do not manage his doctor also help to me.

To be continued...

Sorry for the mokka update.. i will try to my best in next chapter.

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