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 Evening i went to my friend home her home

i press the calling bell and wait for door opening.

S; hey jas... she hug me

M; hii di, i am fine u?

S; yeah fyn..come inside.

we went inside and seat besides..

S; what u want coffee r tea?

M;no need it i want go so fast ..

S;oh k..hey wait r u get married ?

M; yeah

S; don't tell me idiot.

M; sry its  suddenly arrange so no way to tell every ones

S; po di don't talk with me

M; then k bye

S; hey ! she stop me.. we start to laugh

S; who is that lucky person?

M; Anirudh

S;  anyway congrats

Then we speak something ,..then i am leaving from her home..

i decided to buy some gift for ani so i went the gift shop..

S.k; hello mam how can i help u?

M; i want special gift ..any new gift here?

S.k; yes mam ..see  this is new collection ... if u want record something in it again u open it its play ur voice

M; much ?

S.k; he say the rate i brought that gift

Then i reach my home ..i went my room and open that gift..i record those words  3  magical words


close the box and again open it..its play I LOVE YOU ANIRUDH..

i smile at the time he enter in the room...

A; hey what is this?

M; hmm gift

he pick up it from my hand and open it..its again play I LOVE YOU ANIRUDH..

A;  hey its so cute... its ur voice ..

M; hahah...

A;  one time say it again by urself

M; what no?? i blush hardely

A; hey please..

i try to went out but he stop me by holding my hand

M; ani leave me

A; no say it

He push me into the wall and  put his hand across to me..  i push him back and start to run..he chase me...we went to the  top floor last he catch me... again he push me into the wall and come towards me... there is no gap between us...

A; now say it..if do not say it i don't  allow u leave  from here.

M; i see his eyes..and smiled at him.. how long u keep it?

A; hmm when u say it at the time i leave u

M; oh k..keep it up

A; up huh? he start to kiss me

Those kiss are un excepted kiss

M; hey stop it ani..he put his finger in my lips and  look my eyes

i hear the step sound

M; hey leave me someone come here

A; no one come here

Ani's; aiooo chi loosers  she close her eyes..

A; he release me..we stand  with nervous ..i hide my face behind him

Ani's; u idiots what r u doing here? u do it in ur room?

A; hey sry sis..its just

Ani's; shut up.. she went downstairs

A; what should we do?

M; relax she forget it.

Then we go downstair..we reach her room ..i knock the door

Ani's; hey u guys come in

A &M;; sorry  sis

Ani's; hey leave it..i am not angry ..but u guys please don't play like that in outer k

A; yeah

M; k ..

Ani's; tomorrow we leave from here ..i feel so sad please come very quickly

M; sure..i hug her ..

Then we went our room ..he  get the peaceful sleep..but me  sit in the balcony..i don't get sleep... tomorrow he leave from here i feel alone with out him...

To be continued..

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