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I shouted A....N...........I.....R.....U.........D....H........

Suddenly the lights are on and all of they say HAPPY BIRTH DAY JASMINE...

i get  shock happy and all kinds of joyness overflow by my eyes...

vaishu ( his sister) come near to me and take me near to the cake...

Ani give the knife to me for cut the cake...i cut the cake and feed to him he did as the same...

V; Happy birth day jas..she hug me..i hug her back and say Tnx sis.

i get the blessing from my uncle and aunty.. they take cake ..

M; how did u know this u guys??

A; your bro one who say it to us..

M; is it he come here?

A; see there...

i was turn bro  stand  there with my lovely gift

B; Happy birth day my sweet ur lovely TEDDY BEAR.

i went towards him and hug him...THANK U SO MUCH BRO..

B; hahah...anything for my sweet sister.

M; hey teddy is so cute and u don't forget it huh?

A; what?

B; hmm yeah.. that's nothing in her childhood i promise her each and every birth day i  present  teddy only....this year also i keep my promise.

A; so sweet bro. and sister.

M; yeah.

V; hey birth day baby this gift for u.

M; enna gift?

V; ur honey moon both u went to the GOA tomorrow.

A&M; what???? ask in same tone and same time..

V; yeah guys...tom eve 7  pm TRAIN...don't worry just 3 day.

M; no way i can't go

A; me too

V; hey i spent my all savings  for this...if u don't go i gonna kill u

M; huh?

V; not joke its true...... she kept it in my hand and leave from there

A; bro go and take rest meet u tom morning

B; yeah...gud nyt guys

M; gud nyt bro

M; aiooo i do not give cake to my bro

A;u...loo.... he stop ur birth day so i won't  scold u..let's go

M; hmm k. i give it to morning...he agree it

we went the upstairs ...before i enter the room..he stop me by holding my hand..i turn and see him..

A; wait a seconds

M; y?

A;  have a surprise for u..hope u like it

M; mm may be

A; oh.. if u like it

M; hmm if i not like it.

A; this day will be urs..if u like it this day will be mine.

M; okay..

He close my eye by small cloth....and take me into room...

To be continue.........!

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