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I am waiting for my office bus in bus stop

At the time one car comes near to me.

Few people are out from that car, I watch my bus route. One man comes besides to me..

Suddenly he place the kerchief on to my face ..I smell the kerchief my eyes black out. I felt down .he call his friends.. They carried me at the car.

After the one hour...

Some one sprinkle the water in my face.. I open the eyes slowly.. I see that guys..  They coverd their face ..They are looking my face.. One of the guy smiles at me ..they Tide my hands on chair. 

Me:who are you? Why u do this?


M: please  leave me.. let me go.

K:y I do that? 

M: y u kidnap me?

K:one guy say thatKidnap u

M:who? Why?

K: we don't know anything about it.

M: Then how did you do this? You are man?

K:Hey just shut up your mouth, don't speak too much. 

M:I watch his activities and hisidentify marks 

k:He took the phone and call someone.....then he cut the call.

k: just wait one hour. Then you know all the reasons.

M:I totally  confused .and think who is this guy? Y he kidnap me? I want to know all of the information.

After the half an hour one guy enter that place he also cover his face.

He said to others get out from that place.. So all the others Went out ..

He turned towards me.

He: sorry for do this.. But I don't have any chance to get you.

M:what do you mean?

He: That mean I want you.

M:I was shocked.

He: Today our wedding day.from Today you are mine.

M:please don't do that. I'm also in relationship with someone.

He: I know that. Your engagement is coming Sunday right?

M:who is he? How did he know all of this about me

To be continued..💟

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