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Ram; hey shall we go. he ask to me.

Me; hmm k. then  i see anirudh and said to him bye ya.

A;hey wait take this ..he give me  to the box.

Me; what is this?

A; this is small gift for u  from my mom... in my mind this gift for my love .i'm the one who buy it  but no way to say  the truth.

Me; Oh thanks said to aunty

A; she (anirudh mom) said when u had the very important  work at the time you wear it.

Me; how sweet of her.. thank u so much ani.

A; hahah..okay ya, anyway good luck, i give the hand to her for shake

Me;Thanks ya i did it back..we both shake our hands.

At the time her bracelet pellet is fall down near to my leg, she do not notice that...  when she turn suddenly i take it and hide from her.its heart in  shape ...i placed it my pocket..then i say bye jas, before i say it she   hey !!guys plz wait here i will come in 5 minutes...both we say yes.

After she leaving  ram speak to me....

Ram; hey , if u don't mine can i ask something?

A;yeah sure .

R; how long u know her?

A; hmm may be 5 months ya. y?

R; oh k. nothing , said with smile.

A; hey , you also go  to the london right? where u guys stay there?

R; yeah. our office arrange the rooms in same hotel.

A; oh, its fine.. if u don't mine do one help for me.

R; what?

A; this is my number if  she have anything problem there please inform to me.

R; hmm k.

Ram p.o.v

my thinking is right , he love her but do not tel it,she is friend so as a friend i help to her  for the best life....i take his number. .

Then she come back, we say bye to Anirudh. he leave from there, me and ram keep  walk our way, to enter the checking area ,after finish all the checks we go inside the flight, luckily we get the besides seats...

i look my hand , i was shock oh !shit i lost my pellet, its my lucky pellet...its give a some different feelings to my heart  say its  placed in safe  hands, but i don't know where is it?..

Anirudh p.o.v.

After they leaving , i went to the car parking, i start my car... in my mind ,i hope she like that gift.i felt in the flash back, when i start to love her???hahah i do not know the answer but i realize i'm in love with her..yesterday evening i went to the shopping mall for buy  somethings, suddenly i get the idea y i gifted to her? at the time i brought that gift .....its suitable to her....i miss u baby plz come quickly i smile at my self....

i stop the car in front of my house, i go inside and reach my room i took out that pellet and see it...its so beautiful, i will keep it to myself. i do not notice that my mom enter the room???

To be continued.....!

sorry, guys i think its little bore plz adjust it and keep reading. i want your support to improve myself..plz give the comment.

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