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Time 6.00, its october 16 Ani's  birth day but i here in Thanjavur.. yeah finally i reach THANJAVR junction.

i take my bag and land in the platform , i see my brother wait there,  he come near to me,he take the bag from me and ask how r u and how is your journey? yeah, its fine i said without any happy feelings. he notice that what happen to u? y look so dull? i get angry will u stop it? plz come quickly.,okay he said it.

Then we reach our home, my dad and mom  are very happy to see me.  when i saw my mom i lost all my angry i went and hug her.

Mom; how r u? its everything okay there?

Me; yeah mom. hw r u? i miss u alot mom?

she smiled at me.

Mom; okay go fresh up urself. i ready the food okay.

Me; yeah mom.

After i finish my all work and eat. then i went to sleep.

Time 5.00pm

i woke up i saw my bro, he  watch the t.v. then i go wash my face and enter in the hall, my dad set there. i go near him and ask to him y u calling  me here dad?he saw me and said with smile i want to your permission.

Me; what permission?

Dad; for your marriage?

Me; marriage? r u play with me?

Dad; no, all of the relatives ask me when your daughter's marriage?

Me; so what ? its my life i'm the one who decided  when get married.

Dad; yeah i know, that's y i ask your permission.what did u say?

Me; no.

i really upset and get out from there, my father calling me but i avoid him.i go to my room set on my bed at the same time my phone rang i do not see who is it. i cut the call and switched off my phone..

My p.o.v.

what the hell is going here? i'm just 22 then y get marriage so early? he do not care about me. he care only relatives ah? omg plz stop him i do not ready to get marriage...i feel so uncomfortable in my house...what should i do??where i am going??

Sorry guys its not nice update, i will improve  myself in next update. plz put the comment...

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