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Flash back continue..!

After the day my parents contact your parents . i don't know how they  start talk and how convince your parents but they accept our love.. and  they  keep the secret ...he ended it with smile.


Me; that's mean u r the?

A; yeah..i'm that  lucky person

Me; i feel something but do not realise what kind of feeling is this..happy or shock or..surprise  i keep the silent

A; hmm what happen ya?  y  r u  speechless?

Me; hahah  i  am very happy..its all credit to u my dear friend ram

i stand up from my seat and go to close him and give the gentle hug to the time ani get the little jealous ..he ask to me..

A; hey this plan create by me..but u hug him..what about me?

Me; huh u want it?

A;hmm yeah..

Me; no way...its friends not to u. and you r the cheater

A;oh .k its fine.. if u do not give it..i will take it myself.

he come close to me..i stop him

Me;hey its public place..don't misbehave !

A;yeah u r right i will take it later.

Then we ordered the food..when we eat to keep the silent..after finish it..we come out from the hotel

R; bye guys..i have some work so i leave now.. c u after some time.

A&M; k bye.

After he leaving ..we go to the car parking..i open the door but he pulled my hand back and push into the car door..he come close to me

Me; what r u doing ? leave me ani

A; hmm noway ..i want my...when he try to kiss me..his phone were ringing

A;oh shit who the hell r u? he take the phone and see the home screen ..he attended the call ..his face is too serious yeah okay i will be there in 5 seconds ..he ended the call.

A; hey sorry ya.. i have a important  work so i want go now.

Me; its k..i will take care ya..u go..bye c u later.

A; Thanks..bye  he start the car and went out from that place..i saw my watch its time 8.30 pm.i wait for the bus...but its no use so i decided to go through the taxi.

i get the taxi ..say my address to driver..when the taxi reach that road there is no people there..the road look the time that girl fall down in front of the taxi..i was so shock and said hey stop the car...

Driver; mam.. i think we must be get out from this place.

Me; r u man? she is in danger ? we want to help her.

Driver;its give the problem to us?

Me; shut up..if u want leave u  go..take this..i give the amount to him and get off from taxi. i run to near her...she is in dizzy condition ..i pick up her and try to wake up the time i  hear some different kinds of sounds..there are so many people running sound...hey come this side maybe she run this way.. i saw that guys have the knife

Me; oh my god..i want to protect her..  please help me god.

To be continued..!

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