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A/N...Hey guys ...i am so happy because MY TWEET GET THE FAV  FROM ANIRUDH... omg i don't believe myself....! ;)


I hug him...then we  led the car this time he drive the car cause of heavy rain...

While driving... i keep silent he  focus in road...after the some time we reach my home..

M; wait here ..i bring the tavel here.

A;  mm k. he stand in the hall.

i went inside and get the cloth for him...

M; take it.. i give it to him  but he don't take it.

A; no ... i can't do it by myself

M; y?? then do it for u?

A; hahah..its u.. hahah

M; i gently punch him..

A; ooo its to hard..

M; get down looser

A; l...o...o...s...e...r huh? mm k i will give it back to u

he slow down his head..i  start to my work..then he went to his room ..i went to my room ..

Next day morning.....

i wake up too late.. when i see my  phone its time fresh up my self..and went to the downstairs...there all of them get ready to go some where

M; hey guys good morning.

They; oh finally  u wake  up huh.

M; finally means?

A; that means we try to wake up u many times..but no use

M; hahah..i am  big fan of sleep so no one take me away from it.

Ani's s; kk u go and change ur dress

M; y?

Ani's ; we all go to the temple so mom order to wear the saree

M; okay sis wait just seconds..

i run to my my room and choose one saree from my collection...

After the 2 seconds..

i went out from my room...reach the downstairs...

Ani'm; wow ..jas ur really  beautiful in this saree.

M; thanks aunty.

my family and his family come out from the bro take the car key for drive the car...there is no enough place in this car...

M; bro y we go in the taxi.?

B; great.. sure ..he give the key to my dad.

Me, my bro . ani  where stand there .. i call the taxi..

before the taxi coming ..

M; hey bro this is for u. i give the cover to him

B; what is this? he get it and open it.

M; go and change it.

B; hey its awesome thanks darling  he hug me.

M;hahah love u bro.

he went inside the room and change it.. that shirt really perfect to him.

then the taxi coming we went to the temple...

To be continue..

sorry if it boring...i know its bored u guys..really sry

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