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 My car is accident...

i  hit my  head in the  steering .. my luck there is no more wound.. but i feel dizzy ..i put my head in the steering ..hey u okay ' some one ask to me but i do not open to my eyes..

i feel something chill in my face...when i open  my eyes i  saw him..

A; hey r u okay?

he  put his hand in my shoulder... and wiped the water from my face..

Me; i ... before i speaking he cut off me and give some water for me..

A;  do u hurt?

Me; no  i am fine.

A; Thank god i see u.. how did  happen this accident ?

Me; i lost the control.

A; let's move i  drive the car.

M; its k.. i will take care

A; i gonna kill u .. do what i say..move

i move inside... he seat the driver seat and start the car....

i keep the silent...

A; when u brought this car?

Me; today morning

A; oh...what ??? today morning ?? hahah

he saw my face i give angry look..he stop the laugh..and  ask to me u want coffee?

M; yeah.

he stop the car in the front of coffee shop.....we went inside the shop and seat near to each other...he ordered the coffee...while drink the coffee he say that to me..

A; tomorrow morning  i leave from malaysia.. my flight time 10 am..if u  don't mine come and meet me there  at the final time..

i get shock but do not express it in my face... i look the outside..

Then we finish our coffee and went out from the shop.. he start the driving ..

i feel so bad and lightly felt in sleep .. i put my head in his shoulder...

He take my phone and switch on the gps  and find my address ..and reach my home..he slowly take my head and put in the car pillow ..went to open the door..

He enter in my home and switched on the lights.. he see my home its filled with his picture..

A; oh god she love me... but try to hide it huh..

Then he come out and  wake up me...

M; oh shit..sry 

A; its k.. its ur home


A; no mention ..  i want ur car for few hours can i take it.

M; oh k.

i went inside my home.. i feel  so hard did he leave me again?? after the  few hours he come and give the key to me... then he leave with out say any words..

Next day morning....

i wake up from my  beautiful sleep and sit on my bed.. suddenly i remember he say that i leave from malaysia...i see the time its 9.30 am.. oh shit i rush and get ready to go the airport..

i went to my house my car fully scrach in its..i know he only do it...i drive as fast as and reach the airport...

i went inside..they say the flight is take off mam.

i  start to the time some one touch my shoulder...

To be continue...!

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