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i wake from my sleep ...see him he is still in sleep...oh god he is so cute when sleep like child..i kiss his the time he push me on the bed..and make me  lying  again

M; ani get off ur hand, i want go

A; where u go in this early morning?

M; its not early morning..see the time

A; i don't need it, just sleepppppppp he hug me tightly

M; baby come on get up ya

A; just  few hour ya

M; k u continue i will go

i took his hand from me and try to get up ..but

A; hey if u go there vaishu start to scold me  so plzzz di

M; hahah... so

A; sleep di..come princess  lying here

i smiled at him...sry  can't do it

while i say it he pull my hand and push me down the bed and start to twnkiling me..i can't control to laugh....

M; kk i don't  go out vidu daa ....  after the sometime he stop it...

A; that's my girl hahah

he lying besides me  and cover us by blanket .. i hug him and put my head in his chest...i hear his heart beat..

After the few hours we hear the door knocking sound.....

M; ani... he fell in the sleep, so i get up and went to open the door...its my bro

B; sry  for wake u

M; no its k bro wt happen?

B; i want go right now

M; y?? where?

B; i come here 4 my time to go

M; k wait 5mins, i get ready and come along with u

B; huh?

M; for drop u k.

B; fyn bday baby

M; hahah..just a mins

i fresh up myself and pick the car key...i say my aunty but do not say ani.........

To be continue...

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