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He come to closely and ask me you did all by your self?and started to laugh...i said no my  grandma come here she did it.okay cool baby he said with laugh.then he say bye c u tomorrow. yeah bye i said it back.he went to his car and start it.after he leaving i clean all plates and kitchen...end of the day is very fine i think in my mind thank u god for  your blessings.i went to the sleep.

the next day in my office , my manager call me to his room, i went..

Me; Excuse me sir.

M; yeah come in.

Me; sir, did u call me?

M; yes jasmine, take your set .he said with smile.

Me; Thank u sir. i seated in the chair.

M; congrats jasmine !! take it. he give the cover to me

Me; i open the cover i do not believe my eyes , i have the opportunity for the dreams comes i am going to london.Thank u  sir i said to him.

M; its for your hard work, good luck.

Me; Thank u sir. when i go there sir?

M; next week you get the flight, we arrange all thinks before you reach there.

Me;okay thank u  sir, i said with smile. and leave from his room

I am really happy my friends say congrats di..i  said thank u guys and take my phone i call my father to inform it,he very happy for me and said becareful ma. ya dad i take care my mother and bro wish me, finally i end the friends come to my cabin they said today your treat 'i said okay guys see you  there in the hotel ..then they leave i take my phone and call to ani..

A; hello jas,

Me; hii. today 7.00'o clock come to the hotel... i said the hotel name.

A; hey ,  y?what happen?

Me; i will tell u there, i cut the call.

Anirudh p.o.v

what happen to her? yesterday invite for dinner okay, today what happen?oh god i do not understand her...

Time 7.00pm

me and my friends reach the hotel, but miss that guy. in my mind what the hell is he doing? time also 7. i take my phone and call him, i hear the ring tone very nearly i turn to see its him finally he come there.he shock and stand few steps before. i went to him

Me; hey dude common.

A;whose they?

Me; they are my friends.

A; they all?

Me; hmm yeah, i have so many friends ya.

A;hmm k. he come to me.

we reach that table my friends were shock hey its ANIRUDH they  shouted , he start to blushing,i said hey common guys he is my friend i am the one who invite him so plz stop shouting and do your work,they laugh and say okay boss. i introduce to my friends to him,we ordered our food.when eating ani ask to me,

A; y u give the party?is any thing special?

Me; ya i get the opportunity to go london.for my onsite project.

A; wow, congrats ya.

Me; Thanks.

A; when u go?

Me; next week.

A; super ji. he said with smile , i say thank u ji.

Then we get ready to move, we come out side the hotel, my friends give me a hug and say bye di and say anirudh. we  both say bye guys.

To be continued....!

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