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After the  three days.....!

Morning phone was ringing...i took my phone and see who is calling in this early morning..its from ani..i pick up the phone.

Me; hey good morning.

A; hii  good morning.

M; hmm how is aunty uncle and sis.

A; yeah they are is ur parents and bro?

M; yep, fine...what's up?

A; hmm . if u don't mine come my home.

M; y?

A; come here then i tell u. he cut the call.

M; oh shit..what he thinking? .. mom i yilled ....

Mom; y u shouted?

Me; mom, i  go to the shopping with my friends i need ur permission.

Mom; oh k  but come quickly.

Me; yeah mom..

i  get the taxi and reach his home.... i went inside and   press the calling bell...he come and open the door.

A; wow... too fast come inside .

M; y u  invite me here?

A; wait .. before take your seat

M; hmm k. i seated on the sofa he seat besides me..

M; where is uncle aunty and sis?

A; they  went thirupathi  temple .

M; when they return?

A; tomorrow morning.

M; hmm k... now tell y u call me here.

A;  before he started the calling bell were ringing.

A; go inside ..i check who is that?

M; oh k. do u have brake fast ?

A; nope.

M; okay i prepare something for u..said with smile.

A;  cute  of u it.

he went and open the door..its his friend Arvind.

A; hii da.. come inside.

AR; hii da. he come inside.

A;how r u da?

Ar; yeah fine. hw r u?

A; yup fine.

Ar; hmm u r very busy after engagement?

A; no da. i'm free.

Ar; don't lie...u do not care your works.

A; hey i do my job continue ... see i try to compose my next album.

in this gap i prepare the coffee for him so i come to the hall...

Ar; oh show me that album.

A; its...

Ar;  i know about u so please stop acting.

A; oh k...ur right i do not concentrate my work

Ar; hmm y?

A; case i am waiting for my marriage.

Ar; do u love her seriously?

A; yeah y u ask like this?

Ar; true love is do not affect others future and she separate u from ur works.

Those words really hut me...its true i'm the one who stop him??? i ask to my self

Arvid continue his speak...

Ar; when she enter ur life u totally change.. u just enter the industry in few years so focus ur dream achievement.

A; hey its not .... HE IS RIGHT ANI........ both of they turn and see me.

Me; arvid ur right ..i  am the one who disturb him.. if i get out from his life he achieve  his dream...i  do not want to see him like this so from now i do not  interrupt his work and life .. i  wiped my tears and get out from his home.

A; H....e....y....... i  call her but she do not turn she keep her way.

Ar; y u say it before she is here?

A;  you.... get lost !

Ar; i am sorry da.. i do not know she is here

A; please leave me alone...  he shouted

arvind get out from his home...

Anirudh p.o.v

i don't know what should i do now... i took my phone and call her..This number is currently  switched off so please call later... i try many time but no use..!

To be continued...

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