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I want to say apologize to her....

i open the room  door ..its fully dark...i went to switched on the  light...

i see her ..she lying in the bed.. she hug the pillow  and  watch some where.. tears flow in her checks

i went to towards her and sit  on the bed...she get up from the bed and went out from the room..

i really don't know how i start it... while is think like that she come again inside the room and pick up one pillow  and try to went out...i  stop her by holding  her hand..

A; i am sorry  ask politely

she pull her hand from me...and  went out..

She lying in the sofa...

i don't want to disturb i am also went to sleep....

The next day morning...

Jas p o v..

i sleep in the  sofa...i wake up in the early morning...i remember the last night....its too hard in my the time i hear the calling  bell sound.

i went to open the door...its my aunty ,uncle and his sister.

M;  hey guys..

They; hey u here? when u come here?

M; come in then i say. said with smile

they come inside and sit in the sofa.

i tell them when i come here...ani's come and hug me ..while hug me she say in near to my ear; u miss my bro huh?

M; no sis.

Ani'm &D; okay happy ma...see u here.

M; thanks uncle and aunty.

Ani'M; where is he??

M; he is in sleep

Ani'M; Oh k ma.

M; guys went refresh urself i go and ready to coffee for u.

T; oh k ma.

i went to the kitchen and prepare it....after the sometime they come in the hall...

i give the coffee to them... then i went to kitchen i start the  cooking work at the time someone hug me from behind...i think its his sis..

M; sis what u want ? do u want anything?

A; yeah i want some one forgive me

i was shock and turn ..i release me from his hand....

M; just stay away from me.

Then i was busy in work ..he went hall

i invite all of the members  for eat .. but he went to the room...

His mom say go jas bring him i went the upstairs  and reach my room

M; aunty call u said politely ...

A;; i don't need food

he get ready to go somewhere and went out from the room..

my mind say stop him but  i do not do that.

After the eating and ani'sis went to the top floor..

Ani's; what happen to u?

M; noting i am fine

Ani's; Don't lie...u hide something from me

M; hey come on ...

Ani's; i think u fight with him,,  tell me

M; i see her face and explain what happen in last night.

Ani's; i agree his speak is too much but think by his side....he may be search and worried about u ..its make tension to him that's y he react like that... just u inform it to him at first there is  no problem  in mistake make u like this...

M; yeah..its my mistake  but..

Ani's; relax after he coming speak with him...k

M; tnx sis

Ani's; hahah its my duty ya.

we  sit in balcony  .....the climate looks raining time...

To be continued....

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