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Anirudh p.ov...

 i wake up yearly  and  fresh up myself ...i steps in down stairs ...i went out my home and take my car..i fastly go to the airport..i park my car and wait for the flight arrival....

After the 15 minutes the flight arrived, i'm waiting for her....finally i see her, she wear the western dress, its perfect to her..i see her face its look very dull, in her head the bandage ...its really hurt me....i wave my hands in air...she notice me and smiled at me....i want hide from her  that reason i know.

A; hey jas..

Me; hii, how r u?

A;fine, u??


A; partha apudi thariyalaye? what happen to your head?

Me;oh athu nothing ya.. by the way y r u here?

A; for pick up u.

Me; i think its too much ya.. y u unwanted stress u.

A; hey as a friend ah varakudatha?

Me; okay don't need the argument okay, let go.

A; that's fine. come.

we went out from that place..reach the car park..he put the luggage in car back..  i try to help him but he say plz take your seat. don't  push your self...then he start the  car...

Mt p.o.v.

how did he know today i come? y he come for me?i'm just friend of him sweet of him he care his friends.....but true friendship do not need the caring...i  feel my head pain is i close my eyes and seat silently....i felt the sleep.

Anirudh p.o.v

she felt the sleep... i'm  so hungry i stop the car in front of that hotel... i try to wake up her when i touch  her hand its too heat,.. i don't know what should i do??? i take my phone and call to my mom. mom plz pick up quickly....

To be continued ....!

sorry guys i'm not in that mood of writing , that's y i finish it short..

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