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Then we get out from the hospital.. he say i will drive the car,..

M; r u sure u do it?

A; yeah.

 i open the door for him. he seat in side the car and i close it..i seat besides him..he start the car,.

Skip the ride..

we reach his home.. i first get down and open the door for him..he (act) felt  down i  pick his hand and i hold  around my hand in his wrist.. i open the door and put his down on the u want anything?

A; hmm i want coffee ya.

M; oh k..wait 2 seconds.

A; hm k.

i went to kitchen and  make the coffee for us.

M; here take this.

A; thanks !

M; mm .. we start to eat the coffee.. suddenly i get the call so i took my phone and attended the this gap he change the coffee cup. i end the call and return to the sofa.. he continue his work.. i took that cup and finish it...he started to  laugh.

M; y u laugh?

A; nope nothing ya.

M; hmm..k  dinner ?

A; its k i take it u go to ur home.

M; its k.. i prepare it for u.

A; ur wish..

i ready the dinner for him.

A; hey time to getting late ya.

M; yeah i knew i finish it.. com on

He come to the tinig table.

A; can u feed me?

M; me ah?

A;hmm see my hand .. said with worried tone.

M; oh k.. i take the food in plate ant start to feed him.

A; y u standing? come on sit down

M; its k u first complete ur feed.

A; hmm k.

After the finishing ..i went to the kitchen and replace all the thinks...while i do it some one hug me from behind...i was turn its him.

M; hey what r u doing in kitchen?

A; hmm  nothing..he  come towards me ..i went back  he push me in the wall... he put his hand in my wrist..i close my eyes...he kiss me on the lips..its continue in few seconds then  he hug me tightly... its like stop my breath..

M; hmm ani its  enough. leave me...i want go to the home.

A; oh k.. thanks for your all the  love.

M; hmm k.

A; hey if u don't mine please stay here

M; what?? no my mom scold me.

A; he pick my hand ..i see that hand is..

M; hey be careful ..its bandage give pain to u.

A; oh yeah..its heavy pain said with the crying baby face.

M; oh sorry... i hug him.

Ani laugh behind me..;)

M; k  see u tomorrow. bye.

A; hmm k bye.

i get out from his home and take the taxi to reach my home.

In his home..

After she leaving i took my phone and call to arvind..i say all of the thinks and start to laugh.

Ar; don't laugh ani. if she know about it how she feel it?

A; yeah..its bad.. i do not  cheat her ..if she knew it she lost her believe .

Ar; yup.. mind it.

A; hmm.

Ar; anyway happy for u.

A; thanks da.

Ar; bye good night.

A; good night. da

i end the call and went to the sleep.

To be continued....!

hope its not bore .

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