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After the some weeks ..

in india..

A; hey come on let's go inside the mall da.

Arvind; yeah da i am coming..

We went inside the mall and  brought some things ..while we come out from that shop some one stop us...we turn and see who is that?

She; you r Mr. Anirudh right?

A; yeah , who r u?

She; my name is...... tell her name and i am jasmine friend.

A;oh, she is here and send u speak with me huh? such a idiot

She; hello  she is not here. and she won't send me here.

A; oh k then y u speak about her.

She; just conform one thing?

A; what?

She; u truly love her???

A; y i give the answer for u.

She; cause u don't love her..if u love her u give the chance to her

A; for what?

She; for explain her  situation.

A; oh u know about it huh? 

She; yeah.

A; fine tell me what her situation?? ask in kindal tone

She; that night some one kidnap her..that's y she don't come the marriage hall

A; oh really un except ..arvind here the story carefully.

She; its not story... oh god she really lucky... if she married u she lost her life...

A; hmm its it true...then y u stop it tell about it.

She; she truly believe u but u broke her faith.

A; me huh?

She; atleast u guys forgive her but u say get out from home? just ask ur  heart  SHE CHEAT U?

Ani get shock .. he don't  say answer.

She; just remember if she hate u how did she allow to kiss u.?

Ani agree her point his mind voice she is right if jas don't love me how did she allow to kiss her?may its all true...if it true i am the who reason for all the problem.

A; hey please tell the truth is it true?

She; yeah.

A; who kidnap her? how did u know about it?

She; His name Mani..he also work with us

A; work with her? then y he kidnap her?

She; yeah.. its accident .......tell what happen

A; i am the where is she?

She;  sorry i don't say it.

A; hey please tell me where is she? i want meet her.

She; u don't meet her...she get promise from me

A; for what?

She; do not tell about her ...i just want remove her bad mark . that's y i say all of this. bye.

A; hey at least give any  idea  about her place.

She; sorry ..

She leave from that place...i look arvind face he also in shock...

Anirudh p.o.v

Omg .. i remember her face.. in my ears  PLEASE ANI GIVE ONE CHANCE FOR ME those words are hear again and again..

my head ache heavily..where r u jas??? i really hurt u ma...i hope u r fine...god please protect her...Jas i promise u  definatly find u...

To be continued...

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