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I just stand in the balcony of  top floor ...

HUM KUM '  I hear that sound from my behind, so i as turn and see who is that

M; ut?

H; yeah its me

M; what r u doing here?

H; i want to speak with u

M; but  i do not want to speak with u

i took the few steps from there

suddenly  he pick my hand

M; hey leave me

H; i can't

M; if u do not leave me i call all of our family members

H; do it

M; A.........N........I......A......N...........IIIIIIIIII.................. I SHOUT AS POSSIBLE 

H; hahahah , no one come here and save u from me 

M; my ani come here and save me 

i shout again 

Finally ani come there

M; i pull my hand from him and run fast to near ani and hug him 

H; hahahahhhh

A; what happen ?

H; hum nothing bro 

M; he lying ani, he ....

A; what u doing here?  y r u crying di?

M; he try misbehave  to me

A; what?

H; no i just  want to speak with her

A; tell her in front of me

H; no way

A; y?

H; because its about to u

A;about me?

H; yeah , 

A; k tell what is it?

H; if u don't come our life she would be mine

A; oh k, but its not happen 

H; mm, i had much love for her in my heart

A; hahahhh k

H; oh it joke huh? he get the knife from his waist

A; r u gonna kill me?

H; not u , i gonna kill her

i was shock and pick ani's shirt tightly

A; its impossible in front of me

H; oh really , if  u can stop me

he come towards us and in his hand a sharp knife...

he pull ani 's hand and move the knife towards me

in a few seconds ani come between us , the knife  hit his stomach 

i oen my eyes widely and shout A...........N...............I..........!

To be continue.

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