Chapter Nine

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We got to my car and I jumped out of the car and jumped in the back of mine. I went through my bags and found one of the pairs of skinny jeans I had bought. I put them on and put on my Star Trek shirt. When I got out he starting smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"Star Trek?"

"Yes. I love it don't make fun. My big brother took my to see it."

"You have a big brother?"

"Yea a big brother who is 20, then a younger brother who is 16, a little sister who is 14, and another little brother who is 12."

"Wow. Big family."

"Yea tell me about it."

"What about Naomi?"

"Oh she isn't my sister. She is like a sister to me but she is my best friend."

"Doesn't she live with you though?"

"Yea. Her parents moved to Australia for her dads work so she moved in with us."

"Awesome. Well you ready to go back to the restaurant?"

"Yea lets go."

We went back to the table and sat down. His jacket was still around my shoulders. Our food was there then so we started eating as soon as we sat down.

Around an hour went by and we finally all got up to leave. I hugged all of them bye.

"I hope I see you guys again soon." I said.

"Knowing Ethan. We will probably be seeing a lot of you." Niall laughed.

"Dude. Shut up."

"It's okay." I laughed. "It was kind of funny."

We said our goodbyes then Harry drove me back to my car. I climbed into the drivers side and he came over to me. I was facing out to see him better.

"I hope we see each other again soon." I smiled.

"Could I have your number? I mean you don't have to give to me if you don't want to." He said.

"Of course you can have my number."

He got out his phone and programmed my number in.

"Okay I will text you later so you can have mine."

"Okay." I blushed.

He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled and he pulled away. He started to walk off then and I remembered I had his jacket.

"Wait. Ethan. I still have your jacket on."

"Keep it. It looks good on you. Besides that way I have a reason to see you again."

"Okay." I smiled.

"Bye Charlie."


He waited to watch me drive off. I got home about 45 minutes later and ran in the door.

"Where have you been young lady?" My mom asked. She was waiting in the living room on the couch.

"The mall."

"Till this hour?"

"Actually I ran into some old friends and we all ate at Olive Garden. I would have called you but when I sat down Rebekah Lynn works there and she spilt water all over me on purpose. I totally forgot to call after that .happened because I was so angry."

"Who's jacket?"

"Mine. I bought it."

"You bought a guys' jacket?"

"Yea I thought it was cute so I bought it."

"You sure you were not with Zach?"

"Mom! I'm positive. Why would you even ask me that?"

"Just making sure. Now go up stairs.

I ran up stairs to see Naomi practicing her lines. She looked up to see me with five bags, a new outfit, and a random guys jacket.

"Where have you been?" She asked.

"You know that guy from Forever 21 earlier?"

"The ugly one?"

"He was not ugly."

"Sure whatever. Yea I know what you are talking about. What about him? And who's jacket?"

"It's his jacket. I ran into him and we ended up going to Olive Garden together."

"You went to Olive Garden with a stranger?"

"He wasn't a stranger. We hung out with each other for a couple hours before we went to eat."

"So a stranger you only knew for a few hours? Nice Charlie. That's safe."

"I thought you would be supportive."

"I don't think it is a good idea to go out with a stranger the day after you get out of an abusive relationship. Especially with an ugly guy. Your standards have dropped big time."

"No they haven't. You haven't even met Ethan so how would you know?"

"So the strangers name is Ethan huh? That even sounds like a creepers name."

"No it doesn't. He is really sweet, and kind, and pretty, and...."

"Wow. You two sound perfect for each other. Aww I know you should get married. Can I get back to rehearsing now?"

"Zach attached me again today."

"What?" She dropped her book.

"I was in earthbound when two of his buddies I have never seen before trapped me between two shelfs. Then he came and was going to take me to a hotel. Then he said he promised his sidekicks they could each have 15 minutes to do whatever they wanted to me. If they helped him get me back. I only got away because Ethan came over and stopped him. Then a policeman came and almost arrested the three of them."

"Wow. So that Ethan guy saved you?"

"Yes. Is he such a creep now?"

I walked out of the room to get ready for bed. I washed my face, changed, and brushed my teeth. I took a quick shower then braided my hair in pig tails. I walked back in my room and jumped in bed.

"Charlie. I'm sorry. I just...."

"Goodnight Naomi. I hope you had a good time with your parents."

Then I turned over and fell straight to sleep.


I really hope this story isn't confusing for anyone. I'm trying to make it less confusing. I know the disguises can get a little mixed up. I'm glad you guys are reading though. Thank you to everyone. Love u all:)

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