Chapter Eighty-Seven

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It has been a whole two months since I have seen Harry. I have been working and practicing my lines for the audition Tyler got me.

Currently I am sitting in my car in the middle of Walmart parking lot. I had just got some new makeup. My phone suddenly started ringing in my pocket and I reached to get it.

I brought my phone to my ear and answered. "Yes is this Miss Smith?" A man asked from the other end.

"This is she." I answered.

"Yes well we are calling from ABC for your audition."

"Oh okay." I said suddenly getting extremely nervous.

"We just wanted you to know that you made it. You will be playing the star roll starting next month."

"W-what?" I asked surprised.

"Yes ma'am. We will provide your plane ticket, which we will give one extra in case of a husband or boyfriend or something. You will be leaving next month on the 3rd to California so we can start filming."

"Woah woah wait am I moving to California?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am. Your contract is for three years before it has to be renewed."

"So I have to live in California for at least three years?"

"Yes ma'am." The man beamed. "We will mail you your tickets and information in the mail. We are looking forward to seeing you in a week." Then the line went dead.

I had no idea I had to move to California. What am I going to do with my children? What about Naomi? Tyler? Even Harry? My parents?

I don't know if I'm ready to move so far away yet. I had to go tell Tyler.....


I was at work washing dishes at the moment. My mind wouldn't stop drifting towards Charlsie. I know we are suppose to be just friends with benefits an all but here lately she is all I can ever think about.

I think I am falling for her, and I'm not one to do that very often. Actually I don't think I have ever fallen for someone as hard as I'm falling for her. She is so perfect in every way.

The way her hair always falls so perfectly around her face. The way she smiles. Her laugh could brighten even one of my worst days.

Just as if on cue I hear my name being called from the front of the restaurant. I walk up to the front to see Charlsie standing by the door with a gigantic smile on her face. I instantly gained a smile on my face as well.

"What's going on?" I asked as I got up to her.

"I got it." She beamed.

"Got what?" I asked confused.

"The part. I got the main role in the tv show."

"Really?" I asked before wrapping my arms around her waist and spinning her around. "I'm so proud of you. I told you you could do it."

"I couldn't have done it without you Ty." She said burying her face in my neck. I put her down but still held her tight to my body. "Thank you." She whispered.

"For what exactly?" I asked.

"Everything." She said pulling away from my hold. "But I'm afraid there is some bad news as well."

"What kind of bad news?"

"I sort of have to move to California." She answered dropping her head.

"What? When?" I asked.

"Next month." She almost whispered.

"For how long?" I asked and almost wish I hadn't as soon as the words left my mouth.

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