Chapter Seventy-One

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We picked up the twins and went back to his place to pick up my bags. I was in his room packing my stuff in my suitcase, which was on the bed when two arms wrapped around my waist. "I don't want you to leave me." He whispered in my ear.

"We can still see each other. I just don't feel like living together is the right way to do this or not. I mean you see what happened last time I lived with someone. I don't want that to happen to us." I said turning to face him.

"I guess your right but I will still miss holding you every night in my arms."

"I know. I will miss you too,but trust me this is the right thing to do."

"Okay I will trust you."

"Thank you." I smiled. "Would you mind following me to my apartment though? I'm sort of scared since the other night with Zach."

"Of course I can follow you."

"Thank you." I repeated.

"No problem love."

We gathered the rest of my stuff and then went to our cars. He followed me the whole way to my apartment. Then he got out to help me with the kids. He carried one of my bags and Darcy while I had my other bag and Wiley. Once we got up the stairs I put the twins to bed and returned to Zayn.

"Thank you again for helping me so much today." I smiled at him. I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist. He put his arms around me and intertwined his fingers behind my back.

"No problem. Anything for my girl." He smiled. I stood on my tip toes so I could reach him and kissed him on the mouth.

"I like you." I mumbled against his lips.

"I like you too baby." We sat there in silence for a little while before he spoke again. "Well I guess I better go, since you are safe and all now."

"Please stay." I whined.

"But you got this place so we didn't have to live together." He stated.

"That doesn't mean you can't spend the night every now and then." I smirked. "Besides it's a new place and I'm scared. I need a big strong man to protect me." I pouted.

"I don't understand you sometimes Charlsie Smith."

"But yet you still like me." I winked. "Now come on. I want to do something we haven't done in a while." I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards my room. He started laughing and I shut my bedroom door behind us. I seductively crawled onto the bed and sat up at the head of the bed. Then I slowly pulled my shirt over my head. He was still standing by the door just watching me. "Are you coming or am I going to have to start without you?" I smirked.

"No I... I'm coming." He snapped back to reality. He quickly pulled his pants off before climbing into the bed with me. "God I've missed this." He said into my neck. He was sucking on the skin harshly.

My pants slid down my legs and I pried his shirt off hungry for his touch. "Ki...kiss me." I stuttered. He obliged and pressed his lips to my mouth. I instantly wrapped my fingers in his hair and pulled him down into me. Before I knew it we were both completely naked. I was suddenly nervous for some reason. I don't know why but something about this time made me nervous. He stopped suddenly and I let out a loud wine. "What are you doing?" I asked but was soon answered when he pulled out a condom of his back jean pocket.

"Ready?" He asked once he had got it on. I nodded and that's when he pushed into me............


The next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon. I opened my eyes a few times before I finally opened them all the way. I looked around the room looking for her even though I had a good feeling she was in the kitchen. I made myself get up and then I pulled my boxers on over my legs. I looked for the rest of my clothes but I couldn't find my shirt anywhere. I pulled my jeans on though and made my way to the kitchen. As soon as I reached the kitchen I found my shirt. She was wearing it. And only my shirt it seemed. It came to her mid thigh and I have to admit it was extremely hot.

"It smells amazing in here." I said the sound of my voice startling her. She jumped at first but then smiled when she saw me.

"You startled me." She giggled.

"I saw that." I chuckled. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. Then I started softly tracing her upper thigh with my index finger. "You look hot in my shirt by the way." I smiled.

"I'm sorry. Do you want it back? It was just on the floor this morning and it smelled so good I just...."

"Charlsie calm down. I just said you look hot. How do you get that I'm upset by that?"

"I don't know it's just that..."

"I love that you are wearing my shirt baby. And I wouldn't mind you wearing it for the rest of the day but since last night was more of a last minute thing I don't have any other clothes at the moment so I am going to have to have that back before I leave."

"Okay. I can just give it to you now." She shrugged.

"Wait I didn't mean that..." But before I could finish she had already pulled it over her head leaving her in just her undergarments. My mouth suddenly became even dryer than before. I took a gulp and she kissed my cheek before skipping back into the bedroom. I swear that girl will be the death of me.

After a few minutes she returned with black lace booty shorts and a red tank top. What the hell is wrong with this girl. Is she for real trying to kill me or something? She has been acting so strange lately, but I'm not complaining.

"I'm hungry aren't you?" She asked. I just nodded my head because my mouth was to dry to form words at this moment. "Great the bacon should be done by now." She had fixed enough biscuit and gravy, scrambled eggs, and bacon to feed an army. I didn't say anything though I just smiled at sat down at the table.

"So what do you plan to do today?" I finally asked.

"Paint this place. I hate the plain white everywhere. It is to dull for me to deal with."

"What color do you want?"

"I don't know I'm thinking black actually."

"Why black?" I asked.

"Because if I do black I want to paint my favorite quotes in white everywhere so it is different but still pops out."

"That's amazing babe."

"I know. I'm so excited I've always wanted to decorate my own room. Now I finally have the chance to. What are you doing today?" she asked.

"We have a meeting with management but afterwards I can stop back by and help out if you'd like?"

"I would love that actually and I have a question to ask you."

"Okay ask away?"

"Would it be okay if everyone else came as well? I just haven't seen them all in a while and I want to hang out like old times."

"I guess I don't care, but how are you going to invite them?"

"I can text them I have all theirs numbers."

"Okay we'll I will see you later beautiful."

"Okay I'll miss you." She smiled as I stood up from the table.

"I'll miss you to love." I kissed the top of her head before leaving her apartment to head back to my place to get ready for the meeting. Not long after I left the apartment my phone buzzed from a group message. It was from Charlsie.

'Hey everyone. I just bought my very own apartment and I want everyone to come hang out and check out the place later. Be here at 2:00.'Then she had the address to the place. I smiled at the message before i read who all she sent it to. Louis, Liam, Niall, Naomi, Me, and last but certaintly not least Harry. I suddenly got extremely upset and shoved the phone back in my back pocket.

No matter what happens today I will make sure Harry Edward Styles never gets Charlsie Smith back!

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