Chapter Twelve

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The next morning I was so excited. I straightened my hair. Then I put on regular jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweat shirt. I wasn't dressed up today because I was tired from last night.

Once we got to school I just wanted it to be over already. I wanted the game to come so I could see Harry again.

When the bell rang I was so happy. I ran out of the building and straight to the field house to get ready. I threw my uniform on and pulled back my hair in a pony tail. I braided my bangs back. We all went out to the field to warm up then. We ran a complete circle around the field. We stretched. Then we threw. I partnered up with Madison. The girl Harry and I saw at the movies last night.

"So Charlie what time did you get home last night?" She asked.

"11:45. We stopped and got ice cream after the movie."

"Is he coming to the game today?"

"Yes. He is bringing some friends as well."

"Who is this?" Macayla asked beside Madison.

"Charlie's new boyfriend." Madison smiled.

"He isn't my boyfriend yet."

"Yet? See it is going to happen."

"Maybe. We haven't decided yet."

"Does he live around here? How come I have never seen him before?" Macayla asked.

"He is from England. He was visiting family and we ran into each other at the mall. Then we kind of just fell for each other instantly." I lied again.

"That is so cute. But what will you two do when he leaves?"

"We will keep in touch and he will try to come visit as much as possible."

"Is he rich or something?"

"Yea his family is the people who started Krystal."

"Really? That's pretty cool."

"Yea. You have no idea." I whispered under my breath.

"Girls come here!" The coach yelled.

We all ran over to him and huddled up. He gave us the usual pep talk then we broke it down. We started walking back to the dug out while our coach went to the plate. I searched the stands for Harry but I didn't see him anywhere.

"We're home team girls.' Our coach said. Running back towards us. Now go out there and do your best"

We ran on the field. The first baseman rolled me the ball and I threw it back. Then she went to short stop.i turned to the stands again but I still didn't see anyone.

"Charlie!" The first baseman yelled.

"What? Oh sorry."

"Get your head in the game Charlie."

"Sorry. Won't happen again."

They called balls in then the first inning started. The first girl up hit the ball to left field and my team mate caught it. The next hit went to short which she threw to first and got out. The third batter got up then and hit a ball straight in the middle and I dove to catch it in the air. I caught it and we all ran back towards the dugout. That's when I heard the cheering.

"Go Charlie! Go Charlie! Go Charlie!"

I looked over to see all the guys and Naomi holding up signs. Naomi gave me a thumbs up, and nodded her head towards Niall with a huge smile across her face. I started smiling and walked into the dugout.

"Is one of those hot guys out there Ethan?" Macayla asked.

"Yes. The one with black shaggy hair and glasses."

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