Chapter Twenty-Four

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I looked out the window of the restaurant to see Harry and Charlie pull up. I couldn't make out what they were saying but they didn't seem happy. Harry walked towards her and she backed away from him. The look on his face was pain. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. My blood started boiling. I love Harry. He was one of my best mates, but it made me furious to see him with her. She was so beautiful. I wanted her to kiss me like that. I wanted to hold her in my arms and sing her to sleep at night. I wanted everything about her. I just wanted her.

They pulled away and she reached into her shirt. She pulled out her phone from her bra. He looked over at her phone. They talked for a minute the smile he currently had on his face vanished quickly. I could tell there was something wrong. Very wrong at that. I haven't seen Harry make that face since his grandma died. Whatever she just said had a huge effect on him.

"Earth to Zayn." Louis snapped his fingers in front of my face pulling me back to reality.


"Harry I'm pregnant." She said. Her voice ringing in my ears. Did I just hear her right? Did she just say what I thought she said? Am I going to be a father? Are Charlie and I going to have a child together? "I'm sorry." She said.

He eyes began to tear up. I was frozen in place. My words were caught in my throat. I needed to say something. I just couldn't. How could this had happened? We used protection for crying out loud. What had we missed?

"I'll go." She said a single tear rolling down her cheek.

She started to walk towards her car. I didn't even turn around to watch her leave. My mind told me to grab her, hold her in my arms, tell her everything is going to be okay. I wanted to tell her I loved her. I truly loved her. No matter what happened I would always love her. I wanted to kiss her soft lips. But I couldn't. My feet wouldn't moved. I was glued to this spot. I heard her car start up.

Harry you FOOL. I mentally slapped myself. Are you going to just let her walk away like that? I had to stop her. She wasn't going to get away from me again. I wasn't going to let her get away that easy. I turned and ran in front of her car as she pulled out. She slammed on her breaks. I could see through the windshield the tears roll down her face.

She wiped the tears from her eyes. Her eyes began to get puffy and red. She still looked so beautiful to me though. I walked over and knocked on the window.


"Please Charlie. Get out of the car."

"You don't have to try and make me feel better." She cried. "I'll be fine really."

"Charlie get out of the car."



She looked at my face. I had tears building up in my eyes as well. She slowly opened the door and stepped out of the car. Her beautiful face stained with tears. I stepped closer to her. I put my hand up to her face. I wiped the remaining tears from her cheeks. I leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

"Charlie. I'm so happy right now you don't understand."

She pushed away from me so she could look me in the eyes. Her beautiful brown eyes looked straight into my heart.

"What?" She questioned.

"I'm not going to dump you angel." I smiled. "I want to help you. I want to be right by your side every second. I want to hear every heartbeat. I want to see every smile. Dry every tear. I'm not going anywhere for awhile. Charlie... I love you baby."

Her eyes started to tear up once again. This time it wasn't from sadness though. I could tell by the smile on her face that she was actually happy. For the first time today she was actually doing the amazing smile I fell in love with.

"I love you to Harry."

That's when I let the tears go. I didn't care anymore. People always say men don't cry, but right now I just couldn't hold it in. I swear I met this girl two months ago and she was already making me melt. Everything about her was amazing. Her smell. Her touch. Her smile. Her laugh. I loved her laugh.

I put my hands on her face and kissed her. It was a gentle kiss but had lots of passion to it. She placed her hands on my chest scrunching up my shirt. I pushed her against her car. I wanted her. I haven't seen her in two weeks. I missed her so much. The smell of her perfume was inviting me in. I wanted to remove the space between us. I tried to get closer but there was no more space between our bodies.

We were in our own world when a horn went off. We turned to see Niall and Naomi waiting for us to move out of the way. Charlie got back in her car and parked it. After Niall and Naomi got out we all walked into the restaurant together.

I may not know much about taking care of a baby, but I do know one thing Charlie will never have to do it alone. I will always be here to help her. No matter what happens. I will never leave her to be alone. It was half my fault on this situation. I may not be ready for a baby but if it is coming then I will be ready soon enough. I promise I will be the best father ever known.


Okay you guys so what do you think? Zayn likes Charlie. Charlie is pregnant with Harry's child. Harry just confessed his love. I'm so excited about this fan-fic.

Okay so I have been reading this fan fiction and I absolutely adore it. I have even cried a couple times. Which isn't much for me because I'm really emotional about everything. Movies, books, songs, even commercials make me cry sometimes.

Sorry about the long author note I know some people don't like that. Once again thanks for reading. I love you all. Comment. Vote. :)

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