Chapter Twenty-Six

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Okay the authors note is first this time. I thought I would go ahead and update since I have a little extra time. I also wanted to say thank you to everyone again. So I am listening to Truly Madly Deeply at the moment and I swear every time I hear Louis's solo my heart melts. I'm a Harry girl but Louis is amazing as well. They all are for that matter.

Okay so yesterday I went to the creek with my two brothers, sister, uncle, cousin, and my brother's girlfriend. We were walking up some rocks when I heard my sister scream. I looked to see what she was looking at and I saw a orange and black snake looking right at me. I HATE Snakes with a passion. I screamed and slipped on a rock. I fell straight on my butt. It was horrible. So anyway enough about me lets get back to the story. :)


I felt horrible about what I said to Zayn. The look on his face was so sad. After Naomi asked if I had told Harry anything yet everyone started asking questions. I didn't know if I was ready to tell them yet. I wasn't ready to admit it myself.

"Ethan?" I asked.

"Yes love?"

"There is something else I haven't told you."

"What?" I could feel him tense up not knowing what I was about to say.

"Well yesterday when I signed out of school early I... I mean I may have accidentally...."

"Charlie what's wrong?"

"I ran into Zach."

"What?!" He started to stand up from his seat.

"Calm down." I pulled him back down to me.

"Did he hurt you?"

"Not exactly. He grabbed my waist and started kissing my neck. I pushed away from him and ran away before he could do anything else."

"I'm going to kill him."

"No please don't. Look I'm fine." I said pointing to my body. "It was an accident. It was my fault. I wasn't paying attention and ran into him."

"Well lets just hope I never come face to face with that bastard ever again. I will beat him to a pulp." Then he brought my face close to his. "I love you Charlie. Nobody else is allowed to touch you the way I do. You are all mine. Forever."

"I love you to." I smiled then he kissed me.


We were back at the hotel now. We had left the restaurant around an hour ago. Charlie and Naomi went home thank goodness. After tonight if I knew Charlie had stayed with Harry I would have probably exploded. It was bad enough watching them all over each other at supper.

I just wanted to go to sleep and forget about everything for awhile. I stripped down into my boxers and jumped into bed. It wasn't long before I fell into a deep sleep.

•Zayn's dream•

I was in the living room facing Charlie. I walked towards her with a huge smile on my face. I pulled her body into me and kissed her. She instantly kissed me back. I could feel her smile through the kiss. I pushed her up against the wall.

"I want you Zayn." She whispered in my ear.

We went into the bedroom and climbed on the bed. She climbed on top of me. She bent down and started kissing my neck. I put my head back an let out a moan. Then she leaned back up. She slowly started to lift her shirt over her head. My heartbeat started racing and I thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest. She pulled her shirt the rest of the way off and threw it across the room.

I couldn't take it anymore. I rolled her over where I was on top. I started kissing her chest. Then I went down to her stomach. She grabbed the back of my shirt. Bunching up small pieces in her tiny hands.

"Zayn." She moaned.

I started playing with the top of her pants. I slowly slid them down her legs. Then I heard a ringing noise. It was loud right in my ear.

•End of Dream•

I sat up straight in bed sweating and breathing really fast I looked around to find my phone. I picked off my dresser and answered it.


"Hey Zayn. I need some advice."



I was sitting in my hotel room beating myself up about Charlie. How in the world did it come to this? I wanted to be the best father ever. I just had no idea what I should do. Should I go tell her parents it is my fault? Should I tell them who I really was? I needed to talk to someone. I already called Louis but he was asleep. It was 1:30 in the morning after all. I tried Liam as well but he was also asleep. That left Zayn and Niall. Knowing Niall he was probably still awake talking to Naomi on the phone. I decided I would try Zayn first. I picked up my phone and dialed his number. It rang a couple of times but he actually answered.

"Hello." He said in his tired voice. I could hear him yawn on the other end.

"Hey Zayn. I need some advice."



"You know it is like 1:00 in the morning right?"

"1:30 to be exact. I'm sorry to bother you. It is really important though. No one else would answer my call. Can I come over there. I need to talk to you."


"Thanks I will be there in five." I hung up and put some clothes on.


I put on some sweatpants and a white t-shirt. It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Harry standing outside. His hair a mess from running his fingers through it so many times.

"What's up mate?" I asked yawning.

"It's about Charlie."

Great. I thought to myself. I just had a dream about his girlfriend and now he wants advice from me? This was going to be interesting. "What about her?"

"I don't know if I should tell anyone yet but Charlie and I have some big news."

"Like what?" My mouth was getting dry.

"Charlie's pregnant man."

My jaw dropped to the ground. Did he just say what I think he said. He got her PREGNANT. "She's what?"

"She's pregnant. She told me tonight after the play. I don't know how we used protection both times."

Both times? I didn't even know they had slept together once before right now.

"When did you... Well you know sleep together?" I asked.

"When I came here to make sure she knew that whore kissed me. We got in a huge fight then she came to my door. One she spent the night the other was during the day. I don't know what we did wrong."

"Are you going to stay with her?"

"Of course I'm going to stay with her. I love her Zayn. I want to be an amazing father. My biggest fear is that I will fail her."

I didn't know what to say. The girl I was falling for was pregnant with my best friends baby. There was no way I was ever going to get her now. Any chance I had with her just went down the drain. She was never going to pick me.

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