Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I was back stage at the moment sitting on a stool. I was already completely ready for the show. I just sat there looking into the mirror.

My thoughts were going all sorts of directions. Why was Zayn going to KISS ME? How am I going to tell my family I'm pregnant? How are they going to react? Does Zayn really like me? Like like me?

I put my elbows on the counter and placed my head in my hands. I let out a huge sigh. The dressing room door opened then and I sat up. I was the only one in there at first but now I needed to act normal. Like nothing in the world is wrong.

"Hey Charlsie."

"Hey Colleen."

"Are you okay?" She asked. Apparently I'm not as good at hiding it as I thought.

"I'm perfect." I lied.

"Is that celebrity boyfriend of yours coming to the show again today?"

"W-what?" I could hardly get the word out. How did she know our secret?

"I mean he is drop dead gorgeous. He is like a celebrity around here because all the girls want him."

"Oh okay. I mean yea he is coming." I smiled. I took a deep breath. She didn't have a clue thank goodness.

"Awesome. Was all those other guys with him his brothers or something?"

"Something like that." I smiled.

"Are they single?"

"Only one, but I think he likes somebody already."

"Oh okay. Well I will leave you be."

"Okay bye."

Why did I just tell her Zayn likes someone else. Was I jealous that she thought he was cute? I have Harry. I don't want Zayn. Zayn deserves better than Colleen though. She wasn't the best or brightest crayon in the box. But I can't help to wonder why I got upset when she asks if they were single. I know I'm the one Zayn wants now. But I don't want him do I? I have my prince so why am I thinking about another one?

I needed Advil something bad. I walked outside the dressing room to ask around. I had some in my car but if I could help it I didn't want to have to walk back outside.

Of course no one in the whole auditorium had any Advil at all. I guess I have to go outside after all. I didn't have on any shoes because I was suppose to barefooted for the play.

I grabbed my keys and ran outside on the hot pavement. Luckily I was parked near the front so I didn't have to run that far. My orphan dress came just below my bottom. Then I had on black leggings underneath. I unlocked my car and bent over to look in the dash.

I finally found the bottle of Advil when I felt two hands on my hips. I slowly pulled myself out of my car and stood up. I could feel their breath on my neck. I was to scared to even move a muscle.

"You smell so good." A deep voice said.

I let out a sigh of relief and turned around to face him.

"You terrified me." I hit him in the arm. "Harry you can't do that when Zach could be anywhere around here. I didn't know who you were."

"I'm sorry baby. I saw you run out here in your cute little costume so I thought I would come say hello."

"Well next time a hello would be nice first. So you don't give me a minor heart attach."

"Okay. What are you doing out here anyway?"

"I was getting Advil for my headache. Why are you here?"

"I got bored home alone. I didn't know where else to go. Then when I pulled up you ran outside."

"Well now I have to go back inside."

"Oh come on let's talk for a few minutes."

"My feet are burning." I whined. He looked down and smiled.

"Here. Hop on my back."


"I'm going to carry you inside."


"Charlsie jump."

"Fine." I shut the door and locked it. Then I jumped onto his back. I started laughing. I leaned my head down and started leaving small kisses all over his neck. When we got inside he let me down.

"My teacher can't see you with me before the show." I said. "She said we need to all be mentally ready as well."

"So what you are saying is I can't do this?" Then he leaned down to kiss me.

I pulled away. "That's exactly what I'm saying." I smiled.

"What about this?" He asked. Then he pulled me into him and started sucking on my neck.

I started laughing again. "I can't have a hickey on stage." Then I pulled away again.

He started laughing. "Why not?" He smiled.

"Because my grandparents are coming today. They can't see that. I'm not their favorite person already. I don't want to give them another reason to hate me. That's why I'm terrified to tell them I'm pregnant."

"Charlie. I'm sure your grandparents don't hate you."

"Really? Have you even met them yet?"

"No but when people live far away sometimes it's hard for them to...."

"You would think they live far away wouldn't you." I laughed.

"What are you talking about?"

"Harry my grandparents live two minutes down the road from me."


"Exactly you would have never known."

"I can't even image that. My grandmother and I had the best relationship. I can't even think of a grandparent not caring."

"We'll it's true. Plus my dad and I have hardly spoken two words to each other since I hurt my ankle. I don't want to know what he does to me when he finds out..." I put my head in my hands and started crying.

"Charlie. Baby..."

"All I want is for my family to love me."

He wrapped his arms around me. He started rubbing circles on my back. He rested his chin on top of my head and I buried my face in his chest.

"Charlsie. Sweetheart they do love you."

"How do you know?" I asked looking up to see his face.

"Because no one could ever hate you. You are perfect."

"I'm not perfect." I turned and started to walk away.

"Wait a minute." He said. He ran over and stood in front of me. Then he put his hands on my shoulders. "Look at me. Angel look at me." I raised my head to look him in the eyes. "Listen to me. If you are not perfect then there is nothing in this world that is."

"You are." I whispered.

"No I'm not."

"You have girls all over you everyday of your life."

"That doesn't make me perfecta angel. If I am perfect it is because of one thing."

"What's that?"

"You. Without you I'm nothing. You are my world. You are my everything Charlsie. If I ever loose you I will die inside. I love you baby. Now please don't cry. You have a show to put on. You have to be happy."

I smiled, stood on my tippy toes, and kissed him.

"Thank you Harry." I whispered.

"For what?"

"For believing in me." Then I walked into the auditorium.

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