Chapter Ten

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Monday rolled around and Harry still hadn't texted me. I shoved it to the side and got ready for school. I wore my hair wavy and put on some colored skinny jeans. They were electric blue. Then I put on a plain white button up with a black tank top underneath. I put my black boots on with my dark make-up. Once Naomi was done we left the house. I had finally forgiven her for the other day. I didn't talk to her for hours yesterday though. Once we got to school Jacob walked over to me.

"Hey stanger." He smiled.


"I heard you finally broke up with that douche of a boyfriend of yours."

"Yep. Got rid of him Friday at the game."

"I'm proud of you Charlie. You took control. And stood up for yourself."

"Yea but he came after me saturday at the mall. He followed me there. Then he waited until I was alone and let two of his friends trap me."

"How did you get away?"

"A new friend helped me." I smiled.


"His name is Ethan. He saved my life I think."

"Where is he from?"

"Out of town somewhere, but he was so sweet and brave. He stood up for me. He stopped Zach from hurting me again."

"So some random stranger came over and helped you get away from Zach?"

"Yep, but he isn't a stranger anymore. He took me out to eat. I'm wearing his jacket right now."

"Does he have money or something? Because this is an expensive leather jacket."

"You could say that."

"Is his parents rich?"


"What do they do?"

"Ummm they own Krystals. Yea his family is the ones who started the restaurant Krystal." I lied.

"Nice. Is he fat?"

"No. He is muscular with tattoos everywhere."

"So he is a bad boy?"

"Not exactly."

"Then what is he?"

The bell rang then so I said sorry I had to go to class. I skipped down the hall straight to class. I got in class and took my seat by Naomi.

"Why did you wear his nice black leather jacket to school? It could get ruined."

"It will be fine. Trust me I am treating this thing like a bible."

First block went by fast and before I knew it we were in second block already. I sat by Jacob again and he tried asking me questions. Twenty minutes or so went by when my name got called over the intercom to go to the office.

I got there and there was a bouquet of flowers sitting on the counters. the office aid walked over and handed me the bouquet.

"These just came in for you. They are from some guy named Ethan I think." She said.

"Thank you."

I took the flowers and found a card. The card said 'I'm sorry I haven't called or texted you yet. I have been kind of busy with management. I want you to know I have not forgotten about you though. Please take this bouquet of flowers as my apology. P.S. I really did have a great time at dinner the other night. I cant wait to see you again. Love, You know who;)'

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