Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Oh My Gosh!!! Has anyone heard One Direction'a new song 'Best Song Ever' it is a amazing. I was listening to it in the car and I blazed the volume. My brother threatened to jump out the window but I didn't care. I was driving down the road dancing and singing along, if you haven't heard it you need to look it up.

Okay so in the musical I'm in I have to kiss this little nine year old on the cheek and went I tried he turned his head so much I kissed his ear. It was so embarrassing for both of us. Luckily it was just practice. His face turned so red when I did kiss his cheek though. I just started laughing. We had to stop a minute because even the director thought it was funny.

Anyway enough about me. Back to the story. Remember Comment. Vote. :)


I woke up and ran to the bathroom again. Being pregnant sucks and the worst part is it just started.

Harry invited me to stay the night with him last night but I turned it down. I didn't have any clothes first of all. Second of all I didn't want to make up a lie late at night. Besides I was exhausted and I knew if I stayed with him we would do more than just sleep.

I still feel horrible for bringing up Zayn's girlfriend last night. I didn't have to be at the school until 12:00. So I thought I would go see him.

I got dressed in regular blue jeans, then I put on a blue t-shirt that said 'In dreams we enter a world that's entirely our own'. Dumbledore said that line in Harry Potter Order of the Phoenix. I grabbed Harry's jacket that he gave me the day We hung out at the mall. I wrapped it around me and walked down stairs.

I had gathered everything for the play and was planing on going to the school straight from the hotel.

"Where are you going?" My father asked me.

"To see friends."

"What friends?"


"Who is Eli?"

"He is one of Ethan's friends."

"Take Naomi with you."


"So I know you don't do anything stupid."

"I'm going to see Eli not Ethan."

"So you admit you have done things with Ethan?"

"Dad!! That's not what I said at all. I'll see you at the play." Then I walked out the door.

I got to the hotel and jumped out of the car. It was rather chili today so I pulled Harry's jacket tight around my body.

When I got to Zayn's room I knocked on the door. I waited a couple of seconds than the door swung open.

"Charlsie? What are you doing here? Is something wrong?"

"Does something have to be wrong for a girl to visit a friend?"

"I guess not. Do you want to come in?"

"Yes please."

We walked in the living room and sat down on the couch.

"I'm sorry. I didn't even ask if you wanted anything to drink or.." He started to stand back up.

"Zayn I'm fine. I actually came to apologize again."

"For what?"

"Bringing up your ex. I seriously feel horrible. I have been beating myself up over saying it ever since it left my mouth. I didn't know or I wouldn't have..."

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