Chapter Seventy-Nine

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I woke up the next morning with a horrible headache. I moaned very loudly and turned on my stomach in bed. I grabbed my pillow and threw it across the room. I slowly pulled the covers off of me and sat up in bed turning back over. I raised my head to my head an then fell back down on my back. I had the worst hangover ever.

I finally got at myself enough to sit up again. I threw my legs off the side of the bed and slowly stood up. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth Nd get this horrible taste out of my mouth. Half way through brushing my teeth though I realised what I was wearing. It was not the same clothes I had on last night.

I still had on my undergarments but other than that the only other thing of clothing I had on was a baggy long sleeve grey shirt. It came to mid thigh on me. Then I realised it was on of Harry's shirts. When I got mad and stormed out of our house I accidentally grabbed a couple of his clothing. This being one of them. But why do I have it on? Did I change into it when I got home last night? How did I get home last night?

The last thing I remember is Harry dedicating that song to me then I went to buy a beer at the concession stand. The rest of the night after that is a little blurry. I spit for the first time and didn't even bother with my hair. I just ran my hands through it a couple times before walking out of my room.

I got into the kitchen and went straight to the medicine cabinet. I grabbed a a bottle of Advil and took two pills out. Then I reached in the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water to wash them down with.

I turned around and there was food on a plate on the table. Plus a cup of coffee that looked fresh.

"I made you breakfast." A deep voice said from the bar. I turned and saw him for the first time this morning. I jumped not expecting to see him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked the emerald green eyed boy.

"I brought you home last night. Then I was afraid you would do something stupid so I stayed to make sure you didn't hurt yourself or anything."

"So did you change my clothes?" I asked. He held him cup of coffee up in the air, winked at me, and then took a drink. When he put his cup down he had a huge smirk on his face. "Ass." I said under my breath.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Oh nothing." I smiled. I sat down at the table and began to eat my food. I got half way done before I couldn't eat anymore. I don't have much of an appetite the morning after I get drunk. I usually wait till lunch to pig out, but Harry insisted on me getting food in my system. I drank all my coffee though plus the entire bottle of water.

When I was done I raised my hand to my head again. "Gosh I hate hangovers." I groaned.

"Yea well I tried to stop you but it was to late." Harry said.

"Yea well remind me not to get drunk again." I said.

"Dully noted." He smiled. "So I thought I could go pick the twins up so you wouldn't have to drive today."

"No it's okay. I can do it."

"You are not driving when your head hurts that bad." He protested.

"I'll be fine."

"I'm sorry love but my answer is no. You can go but only if you let me drive you."

"Fine let me go changed then."

"Why? I personally like you like that." He smirked.

"Shut-up Styles." I laughed. I went into the bathroom and turned the shower on. I stripped down what little clothes I had on and jumped in.

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