Chapter Sixty

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I woke up the next morning in a bed I didn't recognize. I looked down and quickly realized I was naked. My eyes grew wide and I pulled the cover tight to my body. Did I get so drunk last night that I went home with a random stranger?

No. I refuse to believe that. I wouldn't do that. Would I? I don't remember anything from last night. Everything is a total blur. The last thing I remember is walking into a bar and ordering a drink.

I glance over beside me to see dark hair across a pillow. His soft face had a small smile on it. I gasped as I realized who it was.

Did I sleep with Zayn last night? How did I even get here? He let out a sigh in his sleep and then threw his arm over my stomach.

I feel like shit. My head hurts. I'm sick to my stomach. I feel like I could throw up if I stood up to fast. I shouldn't have came here last night.

What do I say when he wakes up? 'I have no idea what happened last night and I'm sorry if I let you think anything was going on between us?'

No that's horrible. I don't want to hurt him. He has been nothing but kind to me. And now I drunkenly slept with him. I am a terrible person.

"Morning." I heard a voice say beside me.

I turned my head to look at him. "morning." I replied with a fake smile.

"You are so beautiful." He whispered. I blushed and he rolled on top of me. His right hand brushed my hair out of my face. "Last night was absolutely amazing." He smiled. I didn't answer.

Great. I thought to myself. Here he is gloating about last night, while I'm laying here and can't remember a thing.

"Mmm." I hummed. He started to lean down and I just closed my eyes. As soon as his lips touched mine I felt different. It almost felt right. There was a little spark that shot off through me. It was not as big of a shock as when Harry kissed me, but there was still something there. Which meant there was hope to hold on to.

I knew I was stupid for having hope. But Zayn just made everything seem okay at the moment. Like all my problems had vanished.

I wrapped my fingers in his hair and pulled him closer to me. He ran his tongue over my bottom lip asking for entry and I gave it to him. I turned my brain off and just stopped overthinking everything.

I deserve to be happy damn it. Harry can't just cheat on me and get away with it. I have Zayn now and he loves me.

He started slowly rocking his hips into me and I let out a throaty moan. His lips went to my neck and started sucking. Then I felt his teeth graze against my skin. "Shit." I cursed and dug my nails into his back.

He started moving down to my chest when a phone went off. He groaned and reached over to the nightstand to receive his cell phone. We were both still panting when he answered the call.

"Hello." He answered. Then he placed his hand over my mouth so I would be quiet. I started giggling and placed my hand over his. "No it's not a bad time." He answered. "Sure.....Nope just me....okay I will be there.... okay bye."

"Who was that?" I asked when he removed my hand.

"Liam. Him and Louis want to go get some lunch later and wanted to know if I wanted to come."

"Oh okay."

"Yea. I mean I would have asked you to come but..." He started.

"It's fine Zayn. Really." I smiled leaving a small kiss to his lips.

"So can I ask you something?" He asked nervously.


"What exactly are we doing here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like was I just your one night stand to get your mind off of Harry?" He asked hurt clear in his eyes.

"Of course not." I replied. "But I do think we should keep this a secret."

"Okay." He agreed.

"I mean Harry and I broke up yesterday and I'm already sleeping with someone else. He isn't going to like that very much. So I think it is just safer for everyone if we kept it a secret. At least for a little while."

"How long is a little while?"

"As long as it takes. But hey look at it this way this could be fun. We could have a secret relationship going on. It can be a rush."

"If that's what it takes to be with you then I'll do it." He replied.

"Really?" I asked touched.

"Really. I am willing to do anything to be with you Charlsie. If hiding our relationship is what I have to do then so be it. I love you Charlie." He whispered the last part.

I couldn't make myself say those three words back though. Not yet. I just hope I didn't say anything last night that made him think I did. Instead of saying it back I kissed him instead. That way he wouldn't think I didn't love him.

Don't get me wrong I do love him. I just don't know if I love him like that. "Okay well I better get up if I'm going to make lunch with the lads." He said as we pulled away from each other.

"Okay. I think I have clothes in my car."

He jumped off the bed and went over to his dresser. Then he pulled a pair of boxers over his naked body. I knew I was staring, but I couldn't make myself turn away.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked when he noticed me staring. I blushed and dropped my head.

"You are just...really pretty." I replied and he chuckled.

"Thanks love. So are you." He winked before going into the bathroom.

I took a deep breath and got out of bed. I threw his shirt over my head that was thrown across the room from last night, and a pair of his shorts. Then I walked out to my car to get my bag. When I walked back in the house Zayn was in the kitchen. "Hey babe...umm I mean Charlie. Are you hungry?!" He yelled.

"No thank you." I replied entering the kitchen.

"Okay I was just...." He started. He turned around to face me. When his eyes met mine though he dropped the coffee mug he had in his hand. The mug shattered on the floor and coffee flew everywhere. "Shit." He cursed bending down to pick up the glass.

I went over to the sink and wet a rag to help pick up the pieces. "I'm sorry.... I didn't meant to drop the mug... it's just... shit...." He said again. I looked up and his hand was bleeding.

I stood up and guided him over to the sink. "Where's the first aid?" I asked. He pointed and I retrieved the box and carefully bandage his cut.

"I'm sorry." He said again.

"Why are you apologizing? It was an accident."

"I just... when I saw you in my clothes... I'm still getting use to this." He finally got out.

"Can you get use to this?" I smirked and kissed him slightly.

"I can try." He smiled.

"What about this?" I asked and left small wet kisses down his jawline.

"Mmm." He hummed in approval. "I can't believe you are actually standing right in front of me. I have been waiting for this moment since the first time I laid eyes on you."

"Well I'm all yours now." I whispered in his ear. "But I'm going to go get dressed. Don't miss me to much okay?" I winked. He laughed and I walked into his room shutting the door behind me.

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