Chapter Fourty

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I woke up the next morning a little confused on where I was at first. Then I remembered I stayed at Matt's house because Harry and I broke up. At least I think we broke up. I'm not really sure. All I know is he kicked me out and it is all my fault. I hate myself so much right now. I don't hate Zayn. It is all my fault literally. All I had to do was say no the first time but I let it keep going.

I have never seen Harry so broken before. The look on his face when I left literally broke my heart. I sat up on the couch and pulled the blanket over me more.

"Good morning." Matt said from the kitchen entrance.

"If that is what you want to call it." I pouted.

"Charlsie I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding. He will calm down. Then you two will talk it out and you will get back together."

"Matt I told you. This time it's different. The look on his face proved that it was over. Forever." I started crying again.

"Sis calm down. I promise it will all work out. Maybe this was for the better."

"The better? How is the guy I love breaking up with me for the better? Especially when I'm suppose to have his kid in eight months!"

"Do you want any coffee? Or breakfast?"

"I don't deserve breakfast." I mumbled."

"Charlsie you need to eat. The baby needs food."

"Fine I'll eat."

"Okay. I will put on a pot of coffee and make biscuit and gravy. I know it is your favorite." He smiled.



"Thank you."

"No problem. You know I'm always here for you."

"I know." Then he walked into the kitchen.

A couple minutes went by before I smelled biscuits. I wrapped the blanket firmly around me and walked into the kitchen. I sat down at the table and Matt served me my coffee and my plate.

"Thanks." I smiled. I didn't realise exactly how hungry I actually was until I took my first bite.

I ended up eating five biscuits and two cups of coffee. After breakfast I decided to go home. I haven't been home in almost a week. I just hope my parents let me back in.

I gave Matt a hug and thanked him again for the hundredth time. I got into a taxi and rode to my house. I didn't know if I should knock or just walk in. I chose the second choice and opened the door.

"We'll look at this. Did you finally figure out we were right and come back?" My dad laughed.

"No. I still love him father, but you got what you wanted. So congratulations. My life is miserable are you happy now?!" I yelled.

"Charlsie what happened?" My mother asked.

"Like you care!" I snapped and ran up the stairs to my room slamming the door behind me. Naomi was in our bedroom laying on her bed.

"Where have you been?" She asked when she saw me. "And what the hell happened to you? You look awful."

"Thanks. That's exactly what every girl wants to hear. Especially when their boyfriend just broke up with them."

"Woah wait. You and Harry broke up?"

"Yes yesterday and I'm pretty sure it is for good this time."


"Because Zayn won't stop kissing me!!!" I screamed.

"So Harry broke up with you?"

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