Chapter two: Caleb's fate

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I walk back to the dorms where we are all staying. I sit down on my cot and stare at the wall. I heard someone sit on the cot next to mine, but I didn't care to see who. I was too busy thinking about Caleb.

"I'm sorry." Tobias said.

"Why, you  didn't do anything." O said.

"Just Caleb is now barely surviving. Maybe if we never came beyond the fence then things would be different." He said.

"If we didn't go beyond the fence then we would have lost our memories." I said.

"Maybe this is all just a dream." He said.

"Wake back up in Abnegation." I said.

"Yeah, good old days before the war." He said.

"Even then they weren't good days. Gerting hung over the chasm. Getting called stiff. Speaking of that, why is Peter so dumbfound?" I asked.

"He drank a little bit of the memory serum. I called his name like eleven times and he was still lost." He said.

"Gosh, Well we'll have to see if he becomes good or not." I said.

"We'll let fate decide that." He said.
I couldn't fall asleep that easily. Tobias was next to me out cold. Everyone else was also out cold. I was the only one awake.

I want to leave this place, but we would have to go back to the city. I don't want to stay here any longer. Once I find out if Caleb lives or dies, than I will leave.

"Trouble sleeping?" Tobias whispered.

"Yeah, just a lot on my mind." I said.

"He'll be okay." He said

"Hopefully, but I really want to leave this place." I said.

"Me too, maybe tomorrow." He said.

"What about the others?" I asked.

"We'll tell them." He said.
Next day bright and early, Four shakes me awake. I blink my eyes  a couple of times and look around. Everyone is either getting dressed or eating.

"I told everyone the plan." He said.

"Good, we should go down to Caleb." I said.

We walk all the way to the room Caleb is in. Once we get there, the guy leads me to the room.

"So, great news. We have discovered a new serum that will make him live. He did improve a little over night. We gave him the serum this morning and he is doing way better." The guy said.

Note: yes I know that almost every fanfic has to do with a serum that cures everything. I kind of had to. Anyways, next chapter they will leave to the city.

 Anyways, next chapter they will leave to the city

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