Forty-Two: Let's kick ass

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We made a plan of what we were going to do. Me and Christina are going to go up and try to find Tobias. Matthew and Caleb are going to dress as the people who work there and try to find out their plan. Zeke and Shauna are driving the car and are going to cover us up if they ask personal information. 

Right now we getting some guns and knives. Only me and Chris really need weapons. We are getting weapons for everyone though because we might need back up. It's kind of scary to imagine Caleb with a gun. I can see Matthew with a gun because he's from the Bureau. 

"How many guns are we going to need?" Chris asked.

"I would say two for each of us, so that's four of them so far. and about one for everyone else. So about eight guns. Maybe a couple of big guns." I said.

"Okay, and I'll just grab a few knives." she said.

We got all the weapons. We then exited the weapons room and went back to everyone. We need to get our outfits on.

"Everyone change into the clothes I gave you." Chris said.

Everyone then got changed. I changed into the clothes and we all got into the car and drove off to the bureau. It is going to be a long drive.

After hours of driving, we finally got to the bureau. Me, Chris, Caleb, and Matthew got out of the car. Zeke and Shauna stayed in the car.

We walked up to the bureau's doors and that is where Matthew and Caleb split up from us. Me and Chris walked up to David's office. On the way there we shot a lot of guards.

"Ah, Tris. I see you have got my message." David said.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"That is none of your concern right now." He said.

"Yes it is. Now I'll ask again, where is he?" I asked.

"I'm not going to say." He said.

"You sick son of bitch." I said.

I then aimed my gun at him and fired it. Of course he ducked and it hit  the wall next to him.

"Not a wise choice." He said.

I am very angry at this man right now. He will not tell me where Tobias is. I wonder if Matthew and Caleb have an  information yet. We just got here, I'll give then a little more time.

I aim my gun at David again. I aim it to where if he ducks, it will still hit him. I then fire the gun.

The bullet hits David in the stomach. It probably hit one of his vital organs because he was losing a lot of blood. I Let him bleed to death.

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