Sixty-Two: uh...

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Lunch, finally. I can not stand Stuart. He's super annoying. I don't know how he got a job here. I grab my stuff and head over to the apartment to drop it off. I will then go to the dinning hall afterwards.

I unlock the door and set my stuff down on the counter. I look around to make sure no one is secretly hiding. Once I'm done with that, I come out and lock the door. I then walk to the dinning hall. When I get there I see Tobias is already there with a sort of hyper Thalia. At least she calmed down a little, for now. Later she'll be jumping off the walls.

The preschool only has half days, that's why I set my stuff down at home. I only do half days at work. Sometimes Tobias will take half days, but he mostly works full time, which I don't really complain about. He does it for the money.

"Hi." I said sitting down.

"Mommy, I want a little sister like my friend." Thalia said.

"Uh..." I said, how do I handle this.

"Me and your mother will talk about it." Tobias.

That was just out of the blue. I honestly don't want another kid. Thalia is too hyper. If I had two Thalia's, I would go insane. I don't think I can deal with it.


After lunch, Tobias said that he had the rest of the day off. Good, me and him can talk about that thing Thalia said.

"So." He said.

"I honestly don't want another kid right now. Thalia is so hyper, and two of her will be a handful." I said.

"I agree, but when are we going to have another kid?" He asked.

"Maybe her next birthday we can try." I said.

"Hopefully if we do have another kid, they won't be as hyper as Thalia." He said.

"She's way to hyper." I said.

"Wait till she's a teenager. She'll be grumpy and lazy." He said.

"Probably." I said.

Note: hehe, I'm a grumpy, lazy, teenager. Not all teens are, but all my friends and me are lazy and grumpy.

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