sixty-three: Saturday is Funday

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Today is Saturday, yay. I don't have to go to work and I get to spend a day with Tobias. I sit up in bed and look over and see Tobias all sprawled out. He always wakes up like that on weekends. I hear footsteps and then a hyper Four year old comes into the room. How is she already hyper.

"Today is Funday." Thalia said.

"Well, we'll see what fun we can have." I said.

"Is daddy still asleep?" She asked.

"Yep, he doesn't want to get his lazy butt up." I said.

"Bite me." Tobias mumbled.

"You might not want to say that aloud." I said.

"Whatev... Ow!" Tobias said.

Thalia didn't bite him, but she did pinch him. Every time Tobias says bite me, Thalia thinks he means it. But I told her too not actually bite him. So instead of biting, she pinches him. It's actually really funny.

"Okay, I'm up." Tobias said sitting up in the bed rubbing his eyes.

Thalia came running and giggling over to me. She hid behind me. Tobias got out of bed and almost fell over. I left the room with Thalia on my leg. She would cling to either my leg or Tobias's leg. It's adorable and sometimes annoying.

"what are we going to eat for breakfast this morning?" I ask.

"Food!" Thalia exclaimed.

"Well, what kind of food?" I asked.

"Uh...breakfast food." she said.

Why is my kid such a smart ass. First she says food, now she says breakfast food. I shrug, and grab stuff and cook it. Tobias is finally out and dressed. He takes over the food, as I go to shower, change and all the fun stuff that is not so fun. 


After Breakfast is all ate up, me and Tobias sit on the couch as Thalia plays on the floor. This is what are weekends look like. We're trying to think of what fun activity we should do today.

"You know, we haven't visited the wheel in a long, long, long time." Tobias said.

"It's too far away." I said.

"It's like twenty minutes away by train." he said.

"Yeah, but Thalia can't jump on trains yet, she has to wait until she's ten or so to learn." I said.

"I can just hold her as I jump." he said.

"Is that even safe?" I asked.

"Completely." he said.

"Whatever, let's just pack a bag for lunch and go have some fun." I said.


Note: Yep, I'm too lazy to even write out what she cooked, lol.  And I'm just making up the age that they learn to jump on trains. 

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