Seventy-One: where do babies come from?

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(Month later)

Four months pregnant now and it's no joy ride. It's more worse than the beginning months. At least Tobias has been by my side. Thalia has been growing more excited.

"When is baby coming?" Thalia asked.

"Five months." I said.

"Why five?" She asked.

"The baby needs time to get ready. The stork needs to make sure that baby is healthy." I said.

"The stork is very slow then." She said.

"I know." I said.

"Is the stork in your tummy to?" Thalia asked.

"No." I said.

"Where do babies come from?" Thalia asked.

"Well, when a mommy and a daddy fall in love, they go to the stork's office. They tell the stork they want a baby. So the stork use magic and next thing you know, there's a baby in the mommy's tummy. Months later, mommy lays an egg and the baby hatches." I said.

"I was in egg before I was born?" She asked.

"Yep." I said.

Tobias comes into the room and takes a seat on the other couch. He looks tired. He's been working extra to get more money for this kid.

"How was work?" I asked.

"Very tiring." He said.

"Did you know babies ate made from magic?" Thalia asked.

"Yep. I was there." He said.

"Were you once an egg?" Thalia asked him.

"Everyone was once an egg." He said.

"Wow." She said.

Thalia got up and went to the bathroom. It was now me and Tobias.

"Wait till she's a teenager. She'll be disappointed that it's not magic." He said.

"That's why we hope she doesn't grow up to fast." I said.

"She has to enjoy being a kid while it lasts. We have to enjoy it to, before you know it, she'll be a teenager and then an adult." He said.

"That's scary, but we'll handle her." I said.

"Once she's a teen, she'll want everything and she'll be grumpy and only hang out with her friends." He said.

"What if she's the opposite of that?" I ask.

"Then we better be thankful." He said.

Note: another chapter updated.

So, as you've probably noticed, I updated most of my story covers. I found this awesome font app. It's so awesome. Most of my covers have been updated.

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