Chapter Twenty-nine: She's kind of sketchy

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The lady brings us clothes and she lets us change into them. Since there was no bathroom in this room, we and Tobias changed with our backs facing each other. Once we were done, the lady came and took on a tour of the place. 

"This over here are our labs, not science labs, but computer labs. We have a lot of people work in them." she said.

"Do you even have science labs here?" I asked.

"In the basement we do. They just work on finding new medicines and they have a lab for the junior science program." she said.

Tobias leaned down towards my ear.

"I have no clue what she is saying." he whispered.

"Well, let's just pretend we know what she is talking about." I whispered back. 

"Over here is the cafeteria. Food." she said.

We know what food is and a cafeteria, why is she treating us like we don't know this. She thinks we know what a junior program, but then she thinks we don't know what food is. I kind of hate her. 

"We know what food is." I said.

She just gave me a dirty look. Great, now she is giving me dirty looks. What is up with her.


After the long tour, me and Tobias went back to that room. I'm not even calling it our room, because I don't trust this place. I'm already thinking about leaving. 

"So, how long are we staying here?" Tobias asked.

"Pack your bags." I said.

"Really?" he asked.

"I do not trust that woman out there. Miss Dirty looks. She must think we work for David or something." I said.

"she probably does, but where are we going to go if we leave?" he asked.

"Some where else. I saw a hill just past the building, maybe there is a city or something." I said.

"Well, what are we waiting for, let's go." he said.


When there were no guards by the door, me and Tobias ran out of the building. We didn't trust that lady one little bit. We then ran all the way up the hill. It was really steep. Once we got to the top I saw a bunch of lights. A city, but a better city then the one we were in. This one doesn't have factions, doesn't have a fence. There are way more people. 

"Well, I think we found a city." Tobias said.

"Let's go find someone who can help us." I said.


Note: A new city. I'm still going to find a city for it to be. 

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