Forty: They took him

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At night we get ready for bed. While Tobias is in the bathroom, I look out the window. We are never going to be safe. No matter where we go, the bureau will be looking for us. I feel like they will find us here. Hopefully they won't, but I have a bad feeling about this*.

"Are you okay?" Tobias asked.

"Yeah, Im just thinking." I said

"About what?" He asked.

"About the  bureau and how we aren't safe where ever we go." I said.

"Hey, look, we are safe. They haven't gotten to us. They may or may not find us. Only time will tell. For now we got to worry about my job and money and this baby." He said.

"Your right." I said.

"Well, that settles it then. Good night my lovely." He said.

"Night." I say.

In the morning, I wake up and see no Tobias. There is blood on the bed and on the floor. What the heck happened. I get up and find a piece of paper on his night stand. I pick it up and read it.

Come to us other wise he dies - D

Oh no, they took Tobias. They know that if they take him, I would go after him. If I'm going to fight them I'm going to need help. I need to gather up all of our friends.

I get dressed and grab a gun and a couple of knives. I then head out the door. I leave a set if keys in the hidden spot in case I don't return and they want to sell the apartment to someone else.

I run down the stairs. I then run for the mountain. I'm coming to save you Tobias.

Note: kind of short, sorry about that.

*so if you are a Star wars fan or have at least seen a movie, you will under stand the 'I have a bad feeling'. Some one at least says it once in every movie. I'm not sure about the new one though.

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