chapter Thirty-one: What about the baby?

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Around noon Amber came back to the apartment with food. Me and Tobias were just laying on the couch. He was sitting and I was sitting too, but I was sitting on him. My legs were on his lap.

"You two look comfy." she said.

"We're just tired." I said.

"I got food." she said.

She handed us two bags, that have food in it. I opened it up and saw a hamburger. Great, more Dauntless memories. I remembered when I first tried a hamburger. 

"Remember that one time, Tris." Tobias said.

"Yeah, I remember it." I said.

"At least you now know what one is." he said.

"Yeah." I said.

"You guys are weird." Amber said.

"We just have had a crazy life." I said

"I bet you have." She said


After Lunch Amber went to the mall with her friends. She left as to be alone. I was glad she did. Me and Tobias haven't even thought of what we ate going to do when this baby comes. Plus, we still need to tell Amber that she might have three other people living with her instead of two other people. I almost forgot I was pregnant.

"Tobias?" I said.

"Yes." He replied.

"What are we going to do when our baby comes?" I asked.

"We are going to love either him or her. " he said.

"I kind of forgot I was pregnant. I mean, throwing up in the morning is kind of normal to my routine in the morning." I said.

"If you kind of forgot, then how did you remember?" He asked

"I looked at my stomach while changing my shirt, and I realized I have this tiny bump." I said.

"That's a nice way to remember. Anyways, you don't need to worry, and when are we telling Amber about this baby?" He asked.

"I would say when I start showing, but I'm already kind of showing. Maybe tonight at dinner." I said.

"I wonder if she likes babies." Tobias said.

Note_: let's hope that Amber likes babies, other wise Tris and Tobias will have to find a new place to stay.

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