sixty-Seven: News

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As we wait in the doctor's office, I sit and stare at the wall. When I hear my name, me and Tobias walk into the back. The lady motions for us to go into this room. Me and Tobias walk in. I sit on that weird bed thing and Tobias sits in the plastic chair.

"The doctor will be in soon." The lady said closing the door.

I sit there and kick my feet back and forth like a little kid. The doctor finally comes in. She takes a seat in a rolling chair and types in stuff on the computer. She then turns and faces me.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Buzz." The doctor said.

"I'm a person who got forced to come here." I said.

"She's been throwing up and has been blowing her nose a lot. Today his nose doesn't seem to be runny, but she still throws up." Tobias said.

"Well, we'll run a test and get the results." the doctor said.

She got a needle and drew my blood. I'm used to needles. She then takes my blood into another room. That is kind of creepy. Me and Tobias then wait for the doctor to get back with the test results.

(Fifteen minutes later)

"Well,the test results came back in. Your positive." the doctor said.

"For what?" I asked.

"You are pregnant." she said.

"I am?" I asked.

"Yep,m the results show it positive." the doctor said.

"When can we leave?" I ask.

"Now if you like." she said.

I got up and Me and Tobias walked out of this place. Once we got near Christina's apartment, Tobias stopped me.

"At least Thalia will stop bugging us now." he said.

"Yeah, that's a good thing. But then she'll start asking when the baby is coming. Sadly she has to wait a while." I said.

"But in the end, we'll have two kids." he said.

"Please don't let this baby be as hyper as Thalia." I said.

"We'll have to wait and see." he said.


Note: Kind of short, but it was chapter!!

Anyways, get ready to read or skip a rant. I have been online lately (HAHA, I'm always online) and I see stuff that says, if you don't know these characters from this show then you have no childhood or no soul or no whatever. And I'm like seriously, not everyone watches that. I don't tell people they have no soul for not knowing what Divergent is or whatever. I just respect their opinion. I actually like to hear what their thoughts on other books I really love are. I have no stinking clue what an anime is (Don't care if it's spelled wrong), and I see people all over quotev saying stuff to this one girl who doesn't know what it is either. They are all like, how do you not know what it is. Oh my gosh, who doesn't know what it is. Um...hello, over here. I honestly could care less for it, but that's my opinion. It doesn't change the whole world of that weird freaky stuff. I think that people just love their Tv shows and their books so much that they forget that other people probably don't know what it is or dislike it.


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