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"So I called my dad this morning." I hummed as I sat down with Lily on our sofa.

"Oh yeah? And what did he have to say?" Lily smiled leaning back and waiting to the story I was about to tell to begin.

"Well October half term is coming up...and I suggested maybe it would be nice for violet to come and stay with us for a few days. Not long...just so I get to see her." I smiled hoping Lily would say yes as it meant having a 5 year old in our dorm for a few days.

"But October...that's the Halloween party. We never celebrate Halloween and this year there's a party, you said you'd go!" Lily complained.

"And I will. Violet will be gone by Friday night." I smiled. "I'm going to go home on the Saturday or Sunday stay a night or two then bring Violet up with me then dad will collect her Thursday or Friday morning." I said happily hoping she'd agree.

"Fine. Yes." Lily mumbled.

"Yay." I smiled.

"But are you not busy with the paper and modelling?" She asked suddenly.

"There's one edition of the paper that week and its planned and done, I might have to pop in once and I have modelling one night and I thought maybe.."

"No." She glared at me.


"No, no no."

"But you're good with kids you have twin sisters!" I laughed scratching the back of my head. "Please." I begged.

"Alright, fine." She grumbled "but I'm bringing Matt."

"Matt?" I asked raising my eyebrows. "You two..."

"Are friends." Lily snapped.

- - - - -

I was dreading this moment. 3:30pm, Tuesday afternoon, an appointment with Richard madden in my office. I had to make it, the paper had been running for well over 3 weeks now and he hasn't submitted one piece. I either had to lecture him or fire him - and the latter was rather impossible as his parents funded this place.

I sat in my chair flicking through some articles that needed proof reading before sending off to the printers and then I waited anxiously, staring at the door.

"Miss Coleman" I heard a voice as there were three knocks on the door. I looked up and saw Richard walking in and sitting down opposite me.


"Ah ah ah. I know what you're going to say." He talked over me rudely.

"Oh really.." I widened my eyes at him.

"I haven't submitted anything." He rolled his eyes leaning back on the chair like the idiot he was. Pretending he was cool.

"I don't understand. You're smart, smarter than most people in that room out there and for some reason you don't want to make my life easier and just write a stupid article." I kind of lost control by the end.

"Woah woah. Ace, I've written some articles here you are." He handed me sheets of paper. "That'll keep me covered for a few weeks right?" Richard asked hopefully.

"I guess so. And it's Jenna, please." I begged him to stop calling me ace as suddenly I felt like his girlfriend again when he called me that.

"Alright.. Jen. I'll see you later." And he left quickly. I didn't manage to talk him in to actually staying in the newsroom but he did give me some articles so I guess that counts for something.

- - - - -

"Come here, you look like you need a hug." Matt mumbled as I walked into English. "What's up?"

"Richard." I mumbled into his chest.

"You need to get over him." He hummed hugging me close to him talking into my hair.

"Not when he's on the paper... I can't. He's a nuisance and I have to deal with it." I grumbled as I sat down next to him in English and smiled gently at Lucy who sat on the other side of class.

"Well ignore him, you're boss... Get someone else to deal with him." Matt solved.

"Everyone else is too afraid." I raised my eyebrows. "He's the year above and suddenly like this untouchable God, trust me he really isn't." I moaned to Matt.

"I can talk to him." Matt offered.

"It's fine. For now I've chatted with him and it's fine. Maybe next time." I tapped his arm as I saw the teacher walk through the door and I shut up because the last thing I need from Miss was her accusing me of flirting with Matt and embarrassing me. It's happened before. It's just to stop me talking in class.

- - - - -

"It looks to me as if you aren't quite coping." Kate said to me gently as I sat down in her office after explaining to her what had happened with Richard and everything.

"I am, I am coping. It's just I don't want to be with Richard but he's there all the time and he's a constant reminder of my little girl! My Maisie." I shouted at Kate which she totally didn't deserve.

"Do you want to be with someone else?" Kate asked.

"I don't know. I don't know!"

"You have feelings for Matt maybe?" Kate spoke suspiciously and slowly. She was totally on to me but I was not letting my guard down.


"You talk about him an awful lot more than you do Lily at moment." She said raised her eyebrows.

"That's just because Lily and I were fighting. We're fine now and if she thought I had feelings with Matt that would crush her." I grumbled at large almost threatening her not to do anything.

"I can say Matt has feelings for you." Kate said.


"I've spoken to both Lily and Matt on separate occasions and Matt happened to mention your name..an awful lot actually." She looked evil when she spoke as if she was planning something.

"Would you stop shipping us together. I told you I don't have feelings for him." I moaned at Kate.

"Actually you never said you didn't, you said it would hurt Lily but you never denied or refused me." Kate laughed like she'd just won this argument or something.

"Let's get this straight. I do not have feeling for Matt." I laughed sitting back in my chair laughing to myself at the very idea of it.

"Whatever you say."

"Ugh I'm not lying..." I stood up to leave. "He's a friend. Nothing more." I laughed walking out of her office in a bit of a huff and angry that she would accuse me that. I guess she could be right though. But Matt was Lily's ex boyfriend it's not fair on her.

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now