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"Alright, now I'm sick. But it has a cause at least." I mumbled walking out of the bathroom after pretty much emptying the entire contents of my stomach into the toilet.

"Tell me about it." Richard chuckled kissing me gently as I sat on the bed next to him.

"I'm okay now though, what about you?" I asked smiling at him.

"Fine, well I say fine, I've got worlds worst headache over here." He grumbled about it.

"Well, stop feeling sorry for yourself, me too." I laughed.

"Let's take things slow today." Richard laughed.

"Well it is Sunday." I joked kissing him gently.

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Richard had been acting weird around me all day so I wasn't surprised when he didn't want to hold hands as we went out later that day. I think he's still a little upset that I keep things from him but he had to get over it soon.

"What time is the flight?" I asked gently trying to make conversation as we walked around this beautiful town and I started taking pictures. Even though I couldn't show anyone. For everyone else thought I hadn't left the country.

"Uh 3 o'clock tomorrow." He mumbled at me as he looked in a shop window.

"Alright, cool." I hummed. "We can have brunch or something and then head to the airport tomorrow then?" I suggested and he just nodded gently and mumbled in agreement.

"Yeah, ok."

"Does your head still hurt?" I asked because I knew my head still hurt.

"Why?" He asked.

"I was just asking jeez, mine does so I was wondering if you needed any more pills?" I asked taking come myself to calm the pain.

"Nah." He smiled gently and then looked away. It was the first kind thing he'd said to me all day to be honest. I got distracted from him when I suddenly got a text from Lily.

"I think I drunk dialled Lily last night." I panicked stopping dead in the street.

"You what?" Richard snapped.

"She's just text me asking if I'm okay and if I'm dying of a hangover. Fuck, will she know that she phoned Paris? Are we totally screwed?" I spoke as if all the words were one word and it was rushed.

"No Lily has a iPhone 6s right?" He asked quickly.

"Uh I think, it's the same as mine so yeah." I said rushed.

"Then she should have international calls. What company she with?" He asked.

"Three? I think. She always complains because I'm on EE and I get great service everywhere and she gets shit service in class." I said remembering the times we used to text in class.,

"Three includes international calls with all deals with over 2GB of data and Lily sure as hell has that. She should be fine, she won't notice unless she reads her phone bill and analyses every call made. It won't cost her a penny." Richard explained.

"Thank god." I mumbled. I quickly text her back vaguely apologising and saying I'm absolutely fine.

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In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now