Night bus

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Sorry for not updating in a few days I haven't been well but I'm back and here with another update!

"Jenna I'm glad you came today." Alice said to me nicely.

"Well, I do work here." I hummed widened my eyes as she glanced away for a minute. "Anyway... how are you?"

"Great. Did you see the new male models?" She giggled in her disgusting girly tone. Not all models were like this here but she was and some of her friends were too.

"Yeah I worked with a few of them today. Uh Daniel and uhhh... oh yeah nick?" I nodded happily.

"They're just gorgeous aren't they?" Alice giggled again.

"Uh yeah they're very good at their job...?" I said uneasily not sure what to say to that.

"Oh that's right, littlemissperfect here has a boyfriend." She said as if it rolled right off the tongue.

"Yeah, yes." I nodded.

"And he's not a model." She questioned.

"God no." I scoffed trying not to choke on my drink as she said that because God Richard was far from a model.

"What's he like then? You should really date someone at work though, they would understand you." Alice ruffled her hair back many times when speaking to me.

"Oh well, he's lovely. I don't need anyone else." I laughed.

"Not even Nick?" She breathed as he came into eyesight of the girl.

"No not even nick." I chuckled at her attempts.

"Well if you're not going to..." she leaped from her seat almost into this guys arms. Standing close to him and chatting in such a sexual way, Id never do it.

- - - - -

"Jenna right?"

"Jen, yeah." I nodded as I saw who it was. This nick guy that all the girls were tripping over each other to talk to.

"I thought you were the entertainment this evening or something." I shrugged as he said down besides me at the bar.

"Those girls change their mind in a flash. They're all over Darren now." He rolled his eyes effortlessly. "You however don't seem to all over anyone."

"Well im all over my boyfriend if that puts your mind at rest." I scoffed at his failure of an attempt to make a move on me.

"Boyfriend huh? Long term?" He asked.

"Two years almost." I lied, we'd split up for a year.

"Wow." Nick smiled lazily "don't suppose you fancy a drink do you?"

"I wouldn't mind one." I smirked at him, if he was paying, I'm all for it.

- - - - -

Matt watched from his car as she pulled open the door and the sudden burst of music echoed out into the night air, she was with someone. A man, very tall, very much older than the girls around him.

Jenna was giggling and laughing, slapping him when he obviously made an amusing joke or remark.

They were heading down towards a dark part of the car park and Matt got out of his car at this point and followed them.

When they got to the end of fate dark bit he realised there was a street lamp and below it, the bus stop.

Matt sighed some relief when he saw he was just walking a young girl to her bus stop late at night. But it was when the giggling start again that Matt started to get angry again.

"Stop it."Jenna giggled as he was whispering something in her ear and she was holding onto his arms and holding him away from her. It was all calm just the giggles and laughs to be heard and it annoyed Matt.

He stormed off to his car and purposely drove past the bus stop but she didn't see him she had her mouth to his ear whispering something clearly very funny to him as he was laughing his head off.

- - - - -

"Where the fuck did you go?" Lily hit Matt the minute he walked into his own dorm. "I came to find you at dorm and you're not here?"

"It's doesn't matter."

"Yes it does matter." Lily scolded him. "Were you picking Jenna? Is everything alright?"

"She's getting the bus back." Matt scoffed walking past Lily to his room.

"Oh." Lily sighed. "I'd say come back to mine for a bit but it's late and before you know it jen will be back and it's not fun anymore hiding from her in our room."

"Yeah I'll speak to you tomorrow." He sighed.

"Yeah, see ya." Lily smiled planting a kiss on his lips before leaving his dorm and heading back to her place.

- - - - -

I was waiting at the bus stop with this Nick guy and he was actually really nice. The night bus was sure to come any minute and I was pretty glad of that. I could still hear the music and I had a bit of a headache and just wanted to get out of there.

"I can drive you." Nick said happily.

"No, you can't drive yourself. You're getting the bus too." I hit his arm jokingly as I knew we both had drunk too much to drive tonight.

"Alright, I live just round the corner. Ill walk and see ya later." He smiled and gently kissed my cheek which was very formal and not in anyway a romantic thing. He was a friend all over.

I waited and waited and still no buses came and I started to worry. Not as much as I would have if I hadn't drunk a drop of alcohol. The wine soothed me and calmed me in panicked situations.

I decided to call Matt.

No answer.


No answer.

Fuck this. I thought to myself. Where was everyone, what were they doing? I called Richard and he did pick up.

"Oh Jenna hi." He sounded very nervous like I'd caught him doing something.

"Sorry have I caught you at a bad time? I know it's late but I figured you'd be up..."

"No, what up?" Richard asked coughing a little before speaking in a deep more firm voice.

"I need picking up from work. The bus doesn't seem to be coming. I should of just left earlier but I was actually enjoying myself for once so I didn't bother." I explained to Richard down the phone.

I expected him to be annoyed. He'd be like that, get annoyed that I was wandering the streets late at night without him and unprotected. But he didn't seem to care.

"Alright, I'll be about 10-15 minutes sit tight." He agreed happily before I confirmed it and hung up.

He was acting a bit weird. I wonder why?

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now