Back to the hospital

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"To be perfectly honest I'm not sure what to do. Do I go to the head and ask him to stop the separation. I never asked for us to not be in the same classes." Lily shrugged. "I didn't realise going home for a month was going to change things so much. Jenna must be devastated. Of course, I don't know that because I'm not allowed to text her and when I do she doesn't reply."

"Lil, honestly we've seen Jen and she's doing okay. Getting healthier we think, she lives with Richard at the moment, to keep her sane and she still goes for weekly appointments with Kate and Victoria. She's good alright." Olivia explained.

"I don't know..." Lily sighed.

"I wouldn't worry, she'll come to you when she's ready." Lucy smiled.

"Not if she's pissed that I haven't talked to her in so long." Lily scoffed.

"She won't be pissed." Olivia laughed.

- - - - -

"Oh Richard we've only got a month left, granted that it's exams but who cares. No more sixth form, no more stupid teachers." I yelled walking into form after one of my final lessons. "You know I could really do pizza--" I was looking down in my bag trying to find something until I realised it was quiet.


"Lily?" I scoffed before going serious again because I was sure my mind was playing tricks on me. She was not here, in my dorm. It's had been over a month.

"Yeah, I just wanted to come and see ya." Lily smiled.

"You're not at home anymore then?" I asked placing my bag on the floor and folding my arms.

"No, I came back last month, preparing for exams." Lily nodded. "How are you?"

"I'm alright, yeah. Still a bit crazy I think but we're working on it." I joked trying to lighten the mood.

"I don't want to say it again but you know you're not to blame for that accident yeah? What happened to me is my fault, I didn't take the right precautions while sat in the front seat." Lily admitted.

"I appreciate that, I do. But really, I'm okay, well getting there anyway." I laughed.

"I want you to know that you're not crazy, people sending you to therapy and telling you you're mad. You're not, and this whole thing is stupid, everyone's made it worse than it should be." Lily explained.

"I love hearing that lil, but honestly there's nothing I can do to change this feeling I have when I see you struggling in that chair and well... therapy does make it better so maybe I am a little crazy." I laughed at her.

"I want to share a dorm with you next year-- will you be up for that?" She asked.

"Totally, I do have to pre-warn you though, I went for an interview the other day and there is a chance I don't come back here next year, but it's a small chance." I explained.

"Oh that's where you were--" her sentence cut off as she looked down at her thighs in a weird kind of way and she worried for a second.

"Lily? What's the matter?" I wondered.

"It's nothing, I just felt something in my foot. Like a tingling sensation, it's kind of gone now, it's fine." Lily described.

"I don't like the sound of that, can I take you to the nurse or something?" I asked nervously, knowing I didn't want to drive to the hospital.

"--Hey i'm back I-- Lily?" Richard frowned as he walked into the dorm.

"Actually Jen, I think I may need the hospital. It really hurts." Lily moaned grabbing on her wheelchair and gritting her teeth in pain.

"I'll drive, let's go." Richard panicked and went behind lily and pushed her out of the dorm, I followed behind them internally struggling with what was going on. One minute I'm having a friendly chat with her and now she's in pain again.

We helped her into the car and I put her wheelchair in the back and then I sat in the seat next to her and held her hand as Richard drove. She was squeezing my hand really tight to the point I felt I was going to scream out in pain.

Everything was so unreal, like how the hell was this happening, but all of it felt right. Being back with Lily and just hearing her voice again was great. Being back in a car was nice too.

The hospital I was not looking forward to but I was going to have to face it because it was for Lily and she's more important than anything else. I may not have had a good time there, but she had an even worse time there.

- - - - -

"As if we have to wait in an emergency room. It's the whole point of it, it's an emergency otherwise we would have had a slow drive here and stopped for a cup of tea." I moaned as we sat in the waiting room.

"Don't worry about it." Lily assured me. But she didn't look great, she looked washed out and tired. She was pale and still in pain when she said she wasn't.

"Someone's just a little tense." Richard said kissing my temple and I closed my eyes calming down.

"I'll be better when they find out what's wrong with you." I said to Lily smiling reassuringly but my smile was worried and scared for what these doctors might say to her.

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now