Bitch fights

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I woke up in a rather odd position but found that it was comfy as hell so I didn't move for a little while. Richard had his arm draped over me and I was tucked, like, underneath him as we both faced the window in my hotel room.

It was actually really nice and I didn't want to move but I don't want Richard getting the wrong idea when he wakes up. We were basically spooning but what's wrong with that?

Wrong questions, what's not wrong with that?

I was really tired and ready comfortable so I didn't move in the end and pretended I was asleep, which I was going to be if the bloody alarm didn't go off.

I heard Richard jump when the alarm for 10:30 went off and he took his arm off me and rolled over and turned it off. I felt it go cold on my back as I was no longer in his embrace.

"Are you awake enough for me to take you out now?" I heard him say from behind me as I continued to stare out the window.

"Very much so." I hummed, and then I realised what he's been trying to do. This whole thing, taking me away on this weekend trip thing. Was he trying to get back together with me? No, of course not. He had Molly.

He even said that this was it for us the last time we spoke. And to be quite honest he's bad but he's not so rude that he'd try to sleep with me whilst still with another girl.

Maybe it was all a misunderstanding, the bed thing might of been an accident and the taking me out might just be because he wants me to stop thinking about Maisie. I don't know. I hope it's the latter.

- - - - -

"Richard I can't get changed if you don't leave my room." I laughed sitting up in bed in just shorts and vest top.

"Why? I won't look." He joked.

"Because you can't. Now leave please." I got out of bed and pulled at his shirt then pushed him towards the doors.

"I don't get it. I saw you get changed millions of times before." Richard waved his hands around and moaned as I pushed him into his room.

"Because I'm not sure Molly would appreciate it if she found out." I huffed. "I have no problem here, but you have a girlfriend and I don't want any bitch fights with her because you insisted on staying in the room while I got changed."

"Alright, alright. Calm yourself. Knock when you're ready." Richard laughed turned around signing and collapsing onto his bed and moaning something about how girls take forever to get ready.

- - - - -

Brunch was nice. It was casual and that's exactly what I wanted nothing intimate or anything. I enjoyed being in Richards company and frankly, I missed it. Us hanging out together. Nobody else has this sort of connection with their ex and because we already know everything about each other it's so relaxed and easy. We didn't exactly break up on bad terms.

"We have school tomorrow." I hummed opening my door to the hotel room we've set up camp in.

"Well half of school, we'll be driving back in the morning and I'll make it my best effort to make sure there is traffic that ends us up not arriving until the middle of our last lessons." Richard smirked.

"Nice." I laughed pushing him slightly. His phone rang and I saw him take it out and then glance at it.

"I've got to take this." He smiled before disappearing into his room. I took this opportunity to phone Matt and tell him sorry for not coming back last night and not this morning.

"Hey." I grinned as he answered the phone.

"Hey how are you--" he asked but I had a feeling the sentence wasn't finished.

"I'm good how are you?" I replied quickly.

"Sorry you didn't let me finish, how are you, you big fat liar?" Matt laughed down the phone.

"What?" I laughed settling down on the bed and wondering what the fuck I'd done.

"You said you would be home yesterday. In fact last night." Matt complained in his whiny voice.

"I am coming home tomorrow. I promise." I assured him.

"Really?" He moaned.

"Really." I laughed at him. "How are things?" I asked rather quietly.

"They're fine. I spoke to Lily today." Matt also spoke nervously and quietly.

"You did?"

"She doesn't suspect anything. Nobody knows about us." Matt changed his tune and suddenly I felt everything fall back together. I was excited to get home just to fuck Matt.

"Oh thank god." I laughed, "I don't like that it's a secret but it's not right. We should do it for a few weeks and if we aren't suited nobody else is hurt." I hummed.

"I totally agree."

"I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled.

"So next week?"

"Tomorrow." I demanded.

"At least this month please." He sighed.

"I'll see you tomorrow, bye." I hung up laughing a little bit as I placed my phone down beside me.

- - - - -

The church service was nice and even though I'm not a super religious person it was really nice to sit in quiet for a bit listening, even if I might not believe in what the guy was saying. It was calming and I had time to think about things.

"I promised dinner with Molly tonight sorry." Richard caught me as we were walking out of the church.

"Oh that's cool, she's you're-- girlfriend. Go, I'll see you back at the hotel." I tapped his arm as he seemed in a bit of a rush and he dashed off in the car leaving me alone with his parents only a few steps behind me.

I sped up and called a taxi company who were surprisingly fast and I was back at the hotel within 20 minutes of calling them. I could have got a bus, but I have money now, so why not?

I took a shower and stood there for a long time just washing my hair, I don't know what it was but washing my hair was calming and even though I wasn't super stressed right now, I knew going back to school tomorrow and starting everything again was going to be tough.

Things ran through my mind but they always came back to Maisie. Questions I was asked when she died, counselling sessions, therapy, conversations with Rachel and dad and even Jake, all these words just ran through my mind and I couldn't help it.

When I got out of the shower I sat on the edge of the bath in my towel until I was basically already bone dry. I realised it was almost 9pm and decided to just order room service, I wasn't going out now. I wasn't even dressed.

So I threw on some shorts, paid for the good TV and waited for my room service to come as I wrapped up in my bed all cozy and by myself.

Last night of being by myself really, it was back to Ashford tomorrow.

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now