Counting the days

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"Violet is in bed, I read her a story and sang to her...twice. Which is saying something because I really can't sing but it certainly put her to sleep." I laughed a little as I saw down on the sofa next to Richard.

"Come here." He smiled at me and I lent across and laid on him while he placed his arm around me.

"I'm tired." I hummed.

"Me too." He said before kissing me. Then before I knew it I was laying on top of him on the sofa making out with him that was until I heard my phone go off.

"Ignore it." Richard mumbled as he continued to kiss me.

"It could be dad, it could be important." I mumbled.

"Let it go to answer phone." He grumbled back at me.

"I have to get it." I said moving off of him and grabbing my ringing phone from the coffee table. I stood up and stared at Richard. "Lily." I smiled answering the facetime and sitting back down on the sofa.

"Hey I was just phoning to see how you are?" Lily said but she wasn't actually looking at the screen just had her phone propped up on her desk while she was sorting things out in her room.

"Good." I said looking over at Richard.

"How was the wedding? Do you have pictures?" She asked me and glanced up for a second.

"Yes I can send you some but I'll probably just show you them when I see you anyway." I laughed lightly as I kicked Richard for mucking about and making me laugh.

"You alright?" She asked.

"Yes, yeah. Is everything alright with you?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I-- uh are you busy or something? You seem distracted. I just thought you might be a little lonely having to look after Violet all by yourself. You can always come up and stay with me for a bit." She said finally picking up her phone and sitting on the bed.

"Thanks but I think I'm alright, it's just a week isn't it?" I smiled glancing at Richard.

"Are you sure you're alright?" She asked me again.

"Yes lil, I think I'm just tired." I mumbled at her. "It's getting late maybe I should phone you tomorrow." I said quickly.

"Okay, Ill phone you later." She said before I hung up on her and I turned to Richard.

"This shouldn't be hard." I said smiling at Richard as I leant back against him and cuddled up to him.

"It shouldn't be." Richard laughed at me. "Anyway I should probably take off." He said standing up.

"At 10 o'clock?" I frowned at him annoyed.

"Well Violet will start asking questions if I'm around all week." Richard shrugged.

"It's late it takes hours to get back to yours. Just go home tomorrow if you really want to leave." I grumbled at him folding my arms.

"I don't want to leave Jen. But this thing is meant to be casual, come on. You said so yourself, I thought you might want to get rid of me to be honest." He explained himself.

"Of course I don't want you to go." I stood up walking across the room. "You're so great with Violet and I love being with you. But I guess you're kinda right, this is meant to be casual."

"How about...I go home tomorrow-- but I come back in a few days. Then that's not weird right? That's casual and I'll have more clothes this time." Richard laughed.

"Alright, that sounds great." I gave in to his suggestion.

"Shall we go to bed now?" He asked taking my hand.

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now