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"Molly's not pregnant." He beamed at me smiling away like it was the happiest day of his life.

"You're happy about that?" I asked unsure before celebrating with him. I didn't want to be insensitive.

"Yes! Of course." Richard said trying to get a reaction from me but I was unsure.

"That's great then." I smiled quickly jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck like I used to when we were together.

"I know." He laughed into my shoulder as lifted me up from the floor and then placed me gently to the floor again.

"Oh Richard I'm so happy for you, I mean this is great, you don't have to go through this whole thing again." I smiled holding both his hands smiling up at him suddenly feeling like everything was so much better.

"You have no idea how happy I am." Richard smiled. "We're going to the pub to celebrate if you want to come.." He trailed off.

"Oh we have company. We're planning our holiday." I still held his hands but loosely.

"Right." He said.

"Besides it'd be awkward wouldn't it." I hummed not wanting to let go of him just staring into his eyes.

"I guess." Richard smiled.

"Well, you have a good time." I finally let go of his hands.

"Yeah, you too. Have fun where ever you decide to go." He winked at me.

"It's really great news Richard." I said quickly hugging him one last time before he let go, thanked me and left.

I felt better all of a sudden. Like ridiculously better, I could see Richard now, and he wasn't going to have another kid. Except him leaving made me feel so shit again.

I turned around and walked back into dorm where everyone was staring at me waiting to hear what he had to say.

"Hello nosy people." I smiled at them all. I settled next to Matt and pulled my feet up onto the sofa.

"Well..." Lily said.

"She's not pregnant." I smiled happily.

"Oh Jen." Lily launched herself at me and hugged me tightly laughing.

"Okay okay, we need to get back to holiday shopping." I laughed pulling her off of me and trying to stop the conversation.

- - - - -

"You're mood has changed drastically since you found out Richards not having another kid." Matt smirked at me as I literally skipped around dorm trying to find my bag before we left as we had English next.

"Has it? I never noticed." I mocked him stopping my rushing around and standing in his arms as he caught me from running off again. "Come here." I laughed leaning up and kissing him. "Don't you find it weird that a year ago we hardly knew each other?" I smiled up at him placing my hands on his chest.

"Well we sat next to each other, we kind of knew each other except this time last year you were getting together with Richard." Matt smirked.

"What are you saying if I didn't get with him I'd be with you back then? You had a girlfriend." I laughed.

"Yeah so."

"She was my roommate." I whispered.

"Yeah yeah." Matt laughed again kissing me gently and then just taking my hand as we made our way to English.

- - - - -

"You free for dinner tonight?" I heard someone ask as I sat in my office at the newsroom typing away but kind of pointlessly rewriting some articles for next weeks issue.

"I'm not, hear this I actually have modelling tonight. I know they've got some advertising company that want me for a shoot." I explained not looking up once.

"How's tomorrow night?" Richard stepped into my office and sat down next to me.

"Oh it's you." I stuttered turning away from my computer.

"Yes it's me." Richard laughed.

"Sorry I thought you were Matt. My mistake, why do you want dinner with me, I know silly question why wouldn't you?" I awkwardly joked my way out of this.

"Molly's idea. The four of us, after the incident the other day she thought it was a bit extreme ordering us to no longer talk to each other and thought she ought to apologise." Richard explained.

"Hey apology excepted, why do we need dinner?" I asked.

"It's a couples thing." Richard blagged it.

"A couples thing really? And you're in to couples things now?" I leaned into the conversation resting my head in my hand.

"Look Molly asked me to ask, you free tomorrow night?" He laughed.

"Yeah I'll have to check with Matt but I'm sure we can make it. It's fun making you squirm by the way." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Cool see you then--"

"Oh Richard." I caught him before he left.


"I know the whole things blown over by now but I'm curious..." I mumbled he nodded me to go on. "If Molly's not pregnant why was she throwing up?" I asked with a small smile.


"Did she eat a bad taco?" I joked.

"Yeah we guess it was just something she ate, nothing to worry about I promise." He smiled before leaving me alone with a satisfying answer. Though it was still a little strange.

- - - - -

"Dinner with Richard and Molly." I repeated for like the fifteenth time that night.

"Really?" Matt moaned.

"Oh shh, it'll be over before you know if I promise." I mumbled kissing him and then standing in his arms as his hands wrapped around my waist and he towered over me smiling.

"Alright but this one time and we skip dessert." Matt bargained.

"Alright alright, we'll miss the decent part of the meal, have a horrible night and come home and have horrible sex." I laughed.

"Woah woah woah, what's that last part." He laughed kissing my neck and smiling against my skin, making me laugh myself.

"Woah guys PG." Lily moaned across the room.

"Sorry forgot you were here." I smiled over at her as she was getting a drink.

"Glad my presence is so forgettable." She frowned.

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now