Editor in chief.

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"Find her Miss James, today is extremely important, I thought she would know better." Mr Brown said to Lily as she sat in his office.

"Sir it's just-- I don't think she's here because she...can't be here." Lily mumbled back at him leaning back in her chair completely scared of what to say, he seemed mad.

"And Why exactly can't she be here Miss James?" Mr Brown said glancing around the room at the group of students that were all here, some seniors..some not.

"Because..sir," she spat awkwardly at him. "The reason we're at this meeting is because of a certain someone's parents and she really can't quite take it at the moment."

"Please go fetch Miss Coleman." Mr Brown said bluntly back.

- - - - -

"Did you tell him I can't be in that room?" I moaned walking toward his office with Lily. "If I have to see him, or his parents I will found myself off the roof of the building."

"Look you're the editor of the current newspaper, his parents are funding the new one, now if you want to be the new editor...you'll have to see them at some point." Lily lectured me.

"I didn't even want to be editor in the first place, I was the only one that could do it. There plenty more capable people sat in that room." I groaned.

"Shut up and go inside before sir has another lecture at me." Lily pushed me towards the doors where I opened it carefully and smiled at mr brown as I entered.

"Ah miss Coleman nice of you to finally join us." He said as I took my seat near the front and I stared around the room at the crowd of people until I found where Richard was sat, his parents were sat right at the back where I couldn't really see them.

- - - - -

"And we know how well Jenna has done on the previous paper so we would like her to continue to role as editor in chief." Richards parents finished their little speech to everyone and I was throughly shocked that they'd chosen me to continue seeing as Richard and I weren't even together and I assumed they didn't want me to be good but hey I was wrong.

"Jenna would you like to say a few words as our new editor?" A random senior called out as everyone had finished clapping.

"Uh...alright." I whispered standing up and then perching on the edge of sirs desk. "I know it'll be hard work, this new paper is going to be a hundred more times complicated and tricky to produce but it will also be really good for everyone on campus and I look forward to editing it." I smiled gently before I sat down in my chair again.

Everyone applauded and then I realised how big a job this was. Before I did most of it on my laptop, people sent me work and I pieced it together then sent it off the printers and they dealt with it but now it meant a new newsroom and really journalists doing real stories and me having to piece that all together and get it to the printers in time.

Actual people were going to read this now just the parents. It was really important.

- - - - -

"Welcome to your newsroom." Mr brown chuckled as he opened one of the doors in the massive room. It had brand new desks with computers and an office for me and loads of coffee machines and tonnes and tonnes of computers and paper everywhere.

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