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"What did you say to her?" Molly hit Richard as she walked back into his dorm frowning as to why she'd been ignored by Jenna.

"Look we had to play the part to those guys and we kissed. I just told her I didn't want her getting any bright ideas as we're still together." Richard shrugged settling on the sofa.

"Why would you say that?" Molly moaned hitting him again.

"It's true!" He screeched as he got hit again. "We are still together and so I didn't want her thinking she could come grovelling back to me, she refused me months ago and I told her that was it then."

"Richard please," Molly sighed "this girl, as I've learnt from the few encounters we've had, is very fragile and saying something like that to a girl is gross anyway."

"Who cares? We're friends and she knows that." Richard frowned at Molly as if she was way out of line.

"She'll always be more than a friend to you babe, and I don't mean that in a jealous way, I mean that you two had a kid together. Something people of our age shouldn't have to be doing and then you had something even worse and that you lost her!" Molly explained to him carefully.

"I say this every time. You have nothing to be worried about between me and Jenna." Richard laughed.

"I just said I'm not jealous. I know you two have a connection and I'm okay with that. What I'm not okay with is that you're treating her like shit whilst she's going through probably the worst possible thing a teenage girl can go through." She ranted on at him as he wasn't listening to what she was saying.

"Why does everyone care so much for Jenna? She was my kid too!" Richard moaned he regretted it the minute he said it.

"Look I can't imagine having to loose a child but she went through pregnancy and labour! She pushed a fucking child out of her vagina Richard, that hurts!" Molly smiled at the end of her sentence.

"I know what she went through Molly, I was there and I appreciate all that. It's just I had to tell her the truth this time, or she thinks she can just snap her fingers and be my girlfriend. When she can't." Richard sulked.

"I didn't mean to upset you. I just think you should continue the really sweet way you treated her before and not this grumpy sulky teenager you are now." She explained leaning against his chest and cuddling up to him on the sofa.

"I can do that." Richard laughed. "I'm surprised you're not a bit jealous though."

"Of a girl who had a child at 16 and then had to deal with the death of a child? No I don't think I'm jealous. I'm jealous she's model, she's really pretty, but I know you wouldn't ditch me after that speech of how you're with me." Molly chuckled smiling up at him as he switched the TV on.

"I would never ditch you Molly." Richard hummed kissing her forehead before settling down to watch the screen.

- - - - -

"Are you alright? Did you want to stay at mine tonight seeing as the eagle doesn't check on Fridays." Matt asked holding my hand as I wanted to get as far as possible from Richards room.

"I'm fine," I smiled gently "and I'm not just saying that, I really am fine. Although I can still come to yours for a bit Lily won't be home yet." I smirked at him as we approached his dorm.

"Sounds like a plan." He kissed me gently before opening the door. I then straightaway started to kiss him once he'd closed the door and he couldn't wait either so he'd pushed me against the door behind me and I was soon moaning into his mouth.

"Matt?" A voice came from around the corner Except we didn't pay much attention to it. Tom suddenly appeared and saw us both making out with each other and he stopped in his tracks completely scared of what to do.

I caught a glimpse of him as I finally opened my eyes and then I pushed Matt away from me and yelped "Tom" this thing was suppose to be a secret and we couldn't do this if his roommate was going to be here.

- - - - -

"So when you two said you were just friends, nothing more because it was complicated did you not think making out in my dorm would probably contradict that just a little bit?" Tom raised his eyebrows at us both and I felt embarrassed and nervous all of a sudden.

"Tom look, it is complicated and I'd really appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone that I was here." I tried flirting with him placing a hand on his leg and smiling. Matt scowled at me for it but it worked.

"Are you, together?" Tom asked nervously.

"Kinda we just don't want anyone to know at the moment so please?" I pouted the best I could.

"Alright, you owe me though." He laughed standing up to leave.

"Yes if you ever need anything ask one of us, we'll do it no matter what." I snapped the opportunity and smiled as I saw him leave the room and go into his bedroom.

"As if." Matt huffed.

"What?" I smiled at him and leant in closer to him.

"You flirted with him to get what you want." Matt shook his head as if he disapproved.

"Yeah I do it all the time. All girls do it." I laughed. "See." And I placed a hand on his leg and planted a kiss to his lips hoping he would shut up and finally have sex with me after this long night. Even though I realise now we did it in the alleyway and I don't see how he can top that.

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now