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I'm so on top of updates, this is really exciting.

When I had to study that afternoon I squeezed through the people in my dorm and grabbed my books from my desk perhaps signalling to Lily that I wanted some quiet for a bit.

That didn't work because she just laughed louder as I looked over at her.

I knew she wasn't doing this on purpose but the jealous part of me thought she might be.

Anyway the revision that I did was shit and I spent my last half an hour getting food and sitting with these God awful people whilst they talk about nothing meaningful.

Usually Lily would let me talk all my facts to her so I'd be ready for an exam but she didn't sit in her usual seat. In fact she say away from Matt even. These new people were weird.

- - - - -

"I don't like it. I don't like it. I just DON'T like." I yelled at Richard that evening as I paced his dorm room.

"So what I'm getting is... You don't like it?" He joked.

"Really not a jokey mood Richard." I snapped. "I got a B." I looked down sadly. "A stupid low B in what's meant to be my best fucking subject." I shouted at him.

"Well a B is good even if it's low." He shrugged.

"Not for me. In any other subject I'd be okay but English? I know English, I'm good at it. I'm too damn distracted by it all. The new year, the new Lily. I can't understand it. I'm actually confused." I freaked out.

"People change Jenna you can't stop that." He comforted holding out his arm and I sat down next to him.

"I know but I wish I could." I mumbled to him. "It's been two weeks since we've been back and I don't think I can even cope."

"We all know you can. You coped when you were 7 months pregnant I think you can cope now." He joked.

"I don't know." I said doubting myself.

- - - - -

I ended up sucking it up for the next week and realising if I wanted to spend anytime with Lily I would have to hang around with these guys too.

I usually slipped into their conversations it wasn't hard seeing as they were always at dorm. So I just sat with Matt or Lily, or Lucy or Olivia and I chatted with them.

Some of the time I was left out of conversations but I always managed to talk along anyway. I had to, I didn't want to loose my friends.

It wasn't like anyone was ignoring me either because Matt always made an effort to talk about something I'd be interested in.

Sometimes I just sat there and listened. Feeling a little lost and insecure I floated around the group of people.

The two guys, Jack and Oliver, we're pretty damn cute to be honest. But i found how they acted was a little weird. They seemed so comfortable to just come into my dorm and lay about and not clean up.

I knew Oliver has money because he paid for everything. Always putting his card out when we went out or getting a wad of cash out when we ordered food.

Though the annoying nickname that the girl called him. "Ollie, stop that." She'd repeat. Or "Ollie come here I want to show you some thing Ollie."

I know I said before this girl kept to herself but now she is always with Lily discussing hair or make up or clothes. If not she would try to impress the boys and laugh at their jokes. But neither of them showed any interest.

Oliver pretended to like her but he'd always whisper in my ear that she was trying too hard and once I was sipping water and he whispered that she was desperate and I almost spat it all over her.

I could see why Lily likes the guys, they were funny and also best friends. As well as getting along with Matt they also got along with the girls without it being flirty or weird.

They made me laugh which was good because that never happens at the moment.

- - - - -

"Yo, Jen." Jack, one of the guys said to me as I walked along with Lucy to my next lesson.

"Oh hey." I said back quickly turning around to see him.

"I was wondering there's this party Friday night--" he said quickly.

"Oh yeah uh Ross Harringtons party. It's sound awesome." I interrupted.

"Yeah it does I was wondering whether you're going or not?" Jack said shrugging his shoulders a little.

"Yes, oh yeah I am." I smiled up at him oddly. "Are you?" I asked awkwardly

"Yeah it should be good," he smiled and stood there for a bit while I just stared up at him in silence. "I'll see you there then?" He asked awkwardly back.

"Okay." I smiled turning to Lucy and walking back towards our class and wondering what the hell he was doing randomly talking to me maybe trying to find out if Lily was going also. "What was that about?" I scoffed.

"Wait what?" Lucy said frowning.

"What? What did I do?" I panicked.

"You realise he just tried to ask you out, don't you?" Lucy hummed as if it was the most obvious thing on the world and there couldn't be any other explanation.

"No. He asked me out? How do I become so oblivious to things like that?" I freaked.

"I don't know, but he likes you. Or he just wants a date for the party because it is weird to turn up alone." Lucy shrugged.

"But I can't--"

"Why not? You're single." She frowned.

"I know, but--"

"Jen you'll be fine." Lucy assure me. I would not be fine, if Richard caught word of this.

- - - - -

"Hey so this secret thing is working out really great don't you think?" I asked Richard on the phone that night.

"Yeah it is actually. I thought there would be a catch but it's working really well and there's less drama." He said down the phone.

"Well right here's the thing. I think I was asked to a party tonight by this guy, I can't refuse because to everyone else I'm single and I don't have any other options." I hummed.

"Jenna." He warned.

"I don't like him. Not one bit, I just might have to appear to be his date tonight so people don't suspect a thing." I spat out nervously.

"What's the party?" He asked.

"Ross Harringtons birthday party." I said uneasily. "It's in the giant senior common room."

"You think I could crash it?" He wondered.

"Richard stop it. I'm not going to drink anything so I'm in my sane mind all night and I think I can keep it in my pants for one night." I laughed.

"Fine, but call me if you need me. I'll be there in seconds." Richard warned me and I just smiled thinking how cool he was.

"I will, thank you." I smirked.

In Omnia Paratus (AU) - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now